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"What happens when you accidentally discover someone's secret and are silenced by someone else's kiss? What if that single opportunity opens the doors of success for you, but you end up pushing away the cause of it? Would you react similarly if it happened to you? Join us to embark on the breathtaking love journey of the country's most dangerous billionaire and a newly entered actress in the industry. Their paths were never destined to cross, yet they became entwined by love and contract – but that wasn't the end of it..."

Chapter 1 Whispers of Celebration and Enigma!


Commotion was a constant presence within one of Hollywood's most prosperous media houses. However, today marked a departure from the norm, with a celebratory party underway for one of their highly successful movies. Rumours hinted that the festivity primarily aimed to gratify a solitary individual, presumably the life of the gathering. Yet, nobody displayed the willingness to jeopardize their careers by openly critiquing him. The extent of their admiration for his accomplishments and the constant awe he inspired were overwhelming, making it challenging for them to comprehend simultaneously. The opulent decorations and elaborate arrangements sufficed to captivate even those affluent individuals beyond the realm of show business.

"Where is he?" Inquired one of the most handsome attendees at the party, a man whose charisma had ensnared the attention of multiple celebrities. His annoyance at tardiness was palpable, a sentiment shared with his secretary.

"We are currently attempting to locate him," the secretary responded, her apprehension evident as she observed his countenance.

The aforementioned gentleman was not the sole focus of multiple gazes, as a goddess-like figure also graced the gathering. Her eyes roamed as though in search of a specific presence amidst the vibrant throng.

"Where could she possibly be?" she pondered aloud, her habitual lip-biting indicative of her impatience. Unable to withstand idly surveying the surroundings, she opted to embark on an independent quest to locate the individual she sought.

"Ma'am, would you like some wine?" one of the servers inquired, captivated by her beauty.

"No, thank you. Where can I find the resting area?" she responded, her voice as enchanting as her appearance.

"It's on your left," he replied, momentarily lost in the sight before him as she departed, leaving him with gratitude.

"I can't believe I have to search for my assistant instead of the other way around," she muttered to herself, her annoyance palpable amidst the unfolding events. She was supposed to rendezvous with the renowned director, yet the director was conspicuously absent.

Navigating unfamiliar surroundings was among her least favoured activities, yet she found herself compelled to do so for a particular reason. Solitude, which had always beckoned to her until now, failed to provide the serenity she sought. The need for vigilance in every encounter weighed heavily on her mind. Warned about the duplicity of those she would encounter, she felt uncertain about her course of action.

She elegantly moved forward, the length of her skirt gracefully embracing her perfectly contoured figure. As she approached the end of the hallway, she extended her slender fingers towards the doorknob, poised to unveil the contents concealed behind the lounge door.

Her breath caught in her throat as she gazed ahead. Good heavens! What had she stumbled upon that could elicit such a reaction? Through the slender crack of the door, she witnessed two figures locked in an intense embrace. One person seemed to be struggling fervently, while the other held them captive.

How could she have failed to recognize the man within the room? It was none other than Jack Oliver, the unparalleled superstar for whom the entire party had been orchestrated. His declaration echoed within the confines of the room, "Don't ask me to release you. I am indifferent to the opinions of others." His words conveyed a determination to keep the girl enveloped in his arms regardless of the circumstances.

The scene unfolding before her was reminiscent of the dramatic sequences depicted in films. Seeing Jack in such a state was a stark departure from the persona that people were accustomed to observing, typically limited to his on-screen performances. The stark contrast between this reality and the image others held of him left her mind awash with inquiries.

She, too, was not immune to this dissonance, her mind struggling to process the scene playing out before her eyes. Logic dictated that the wisest course of action would be to quietly retreat, feigning ignorance. Crossing paths with Jack in a contentious manner could potentially jeopardize her professional trajectory. Yet, an inexplicable force seemed to immobilize her, preventing her from so much as budging an inch. A nameless curiosity compelled her to remain rooted in place, an overwhelming desire to unravel the enigma unfolding before her very eyes. The prospect of leaving the scene untended was unimaginable, as her curiosity threatened to overwhelm her senses.

"Please try to understand. This is an overwhelming situation for me, and I can't simply relinquish everything I've worked so hard to achieve over the years. My career and reputation would crumble if we were to expose this to the public," she responded, his grasp on her loosening. Despite her beauty often being composed of artifice, there was an undeniable allure that had captivated him, a testament to the tribulations she had endured for this very moment.

"Don't fret. Our secret is safe. You just need to remain by my side for as long as I desire," he assured, his words laden with romance that resonated deeply with his adoring fans. Yet, beneath the surface, their interaction held an undercurrent of mutual benefit, catering to the diverse interests of those involved.

While she was not the sole observer of this clandestine exchange, another pair of eyes fixated upon her instead of being engrossed in the scene unfolding within the room. Those dark eyes meticulously traversed her form, from head to toe, their owner's inscrutable expression remaining unchanged. His attention was an elusive prize, yet she had managed to ensnare it, even if she remained oblivious to this achievement. It was as if he awaited her to pivot and reveal her entire countenance, a glimpse beyond the partial visage he currently perceived.

However, her preoccupation with the ongoing scenario prevented her from detecting the prolonged scrutiny she was subjected to. Her focus remained steadfast on uncovering more details, her intent not originally rooted in meddling but ultimately leading her down a familiar path.

On the other hand, he struggled to comprehend the magnetic pull she exerted on his attention. He had embarked on this journey to fulfil pressing obligations, leaving everything and everyone else behind. However, his current state of captivation had obliterated his awareness of those matters. He wished fervently to remain there, ensnared in the act of gazing upon her, until the cacophony of muddled voices intruded upon the tranquil moment. It was inevitable that such a serene interlude would eventually be disrupted. His private life seldom held much allure for him, enabling him to swiftly extricate himself from the reverie, recognizing the urgency to prevent an escalating predicament.

He advanced purposefully, elongated strides carrying him toward her. It was imperative to rectify the situation before it spiralled out of control and others chanced upon their secret. In a heartbeat, his hand materialized before her, firmly sealing the door she clung to. Her swift pivot granted her a view of the orchestrator behind this abrupt intervention, their eyes locking for the very first time. A cocktail of amazement and tranquillity swept over him as her visage was unveiled in close proximity. Curiosity birthed a perplexing ambivalence within him, evoking emotions he struggled to decipher.

Before she could articulate her bewildered thoughts into words, his lips seamlessly found hers, an impulsive gesture that eclipsed any questions she might have posed. Her eyes widened in sheer astonishment as he closed his own, their lips melding in an unanticipated convergence. The velvety touch of her lips against his sent ripples of shock through her, rendering her rooted to the spot. The notion of pushing him away was a distant consideration, her form immobilized in the face of the unexpected kiss. Her senses were enveloped solely by the warmth of his lips, while his embrace exuded a possessive fervour surpassing even the superstar confined within the adjacent room.

Yielding to the overwhelming surge of emotions coursing through her, she allowed her eyelids to gently seal shut, swept away by the torrent of feelings consuming her. Together, they occupied an ethereal realm, cocooned from the world, until the abrupt intrusion of blinding camera flashes jolted them back to reality. Reluctantly, he released his hold on her, only to discover her immobilized form, tension coursing through her frame, her very breath suspended.

"You must cooperate with me in this endeavour," he implored tenderly, sweeping aside a stray strand of hair from her countenance. Amidst the relentless barrage of camera clicks, a sea of reporters seized the moment to capture images from myriad angles. They were relentless in their pursuit of this sensational scandal, one destined to fuel headlines throughout the week. At the heart of the turmoil stood the man before them, a titan of success as both a producer and the acting CEO of N&M Limited, amassing riches that rendered him one of the most affluent attendees of the party.

"In the midst of such a moment, interrupting is nothing short of impolite, wouldn't you all concur?" His voice, a blend of authority and dominance, reverberated through the gathering. As his arm encircled her waist, pulling her into his embrace, he projected an aura of command that left no room for dissent.

"Sir, is this young lady your girlfriend?" a reporter pressed, hungry for confirmation.

"Could this signify an imminent announcement?" another chimed in, a chorus of inquiries echoing through the air.

Amidst the barrage of questions, Isabella's gaze remained steadfastly fixed upon him, a myriad of emotions cascading through her. Her shock was palpable, her anticipation resting heavily upon his response, her mind racing to comprehend the extent of the situation she had inadvertently stumbled into. Amid this whirlwind, the concept of an unintentional trending scandal seemed unfathomable.

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"You think you can just leave without a trace after what happened that night?" His hands pinned her arms above her head, his piercing blue eyes boring into hers. "W-what do you mean?" she stuttered, his scent reminding her of that night-the night that had changed her life completely. "What do I mean? Are you seriously asking me that, woman? If your brain can't recall how we burned together on that bed, how about I remind you right here?" His face was dangerously close as he growled into her ear. Her eyes widened. He meant it. Every single word. He was the king of the entertainment world, after all. "Let me go," she demanded stubbornly, her voice barely audible. He let out a low, dark chuckle that sent a chill down her spine. "Let you go? Oh, I'll let you go, Tatiana. But not until you understand the consequences of crossing paths with me." •••••••••• In the world of the entertainment industry, we see constant change and creativity. Trends come and go, as do collaborations between artists and producers. This world can make anyone wish to be a part of it-it is said to be inspiring and enjoyable... Meanwhile, that's only on the surface. The same world is filled with deceit, betrayal, fake love, ruthless competition, toxic fans who could ruin you, suicide, and dissatisfaction... This world is mostly dominated by men. How can a woman, hurt by this world, face it-especially when she had a night and her life tangled with the king of them all?

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