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The Enchanted Canyon


Word Count: 4153    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

said as it rushed through the Canyon, 'Nothin

he Secretary of the Interior. The windows were wide open and the hideous uproar of street traffic filled the room. It was a huge, high-ceilinged apartment, with portraits of

was nearing thirty but he looked like a college boy. He was big and broad and blonde, with freckles disporting themselves frankly on a no

s," he said. "The Secre

to his breast and scutt

e in at the Secretar

d his shoulder blades. His hair was copper-colored, vaguely touched with gray at the temples and very thick and unruly. His features were still rough hewn but time had hardened their immaturity to a rugged incisiveness. His cheek bones

aid, dropping his panama hat on

retary! I hope you are

was as hard a day

Was it really harder, Abbott, o

some of them were unusually trying. That woman who wante

into this office than a woman. Try to h

ll you run through th

e I call in the I

eplies. They were not more than a third of the way down th

g-room watching the clock longer than that. We'll fit this in at odd times, as usual. Remember, Mr. Secret

'd better,"

into the outer room. "G

said. "Mr. Secretary,

, Mr. Schmidt, Mr. D

r and Mr.

's retreating back admiringly. "I've been hearing Abbott do that sort of

ry!" commented on

ater," Enoch went on. "A memory

gue," suggested another man

d a very pleasant smile, showing even, white t

bitter controversy going on in our State over your recent ruling on the matter of Water Power Control. We believe your ruling works an i

unless you people on the firing line keep in touch with me, I may go astr


by water power. There is enough water in the streams of this country to turn every wheel in every district. But it must be harnessed, and after it is harnessed it must be sold to the people at a just price. Wh

r, Mr. Secretary," said the

ity. "Now my policy aims to embody the idea that the men who develop the water power of

ear too much bureaucracy and centralization of authority here in Washington. And don't forget, if it came to a sc

and their waters, there would be no need now for the Department of the Interior to assert its authority. Show me, Mr. Delegate, that there are neit

esk. "I'm sorry, Mr. Secretary," he said softly,

ott for a longer conference, to-morrow? Come back with the proofs!" He smiled, and the gentlemen from Idaho smiled in

h wrinkled man app

held out his hand. "Senator, you look warm. Oh, Abbott, tell

d down on me. How come it to do it, I haven't found out

be an electrician. Perhaps the power's still off in the

ig as saucers. "It su

red, as he turned to

ment for a friend of mine," said Senator Far. "He's done a lot f

d Enoch, lighting the ci

s been playing politic

d following

department clear of the spoils system? I'm here to tell you, I'm proud of the Service.

pted Senator Far, rising, "I'm always gl

five and ten minute intervals a man from Kansas who had ideas on the allotment of Indian lands; a Senator who wanted light on a bill the Secretary wished introduced; a man from Alaska who objected to the government's attitude on Alaskan coal mines; the chairman of a State Central Committee

ntly fed by the indefatigable Abbott, was now of overwhelming proportions. It was nearly two o'clock when Jonas, having poppe

s served, s

Jonas." Enoch did

, I ain't goin' to sit it there. You're going to git up and come over here

an ceremoniously pulled out a chair for him, then lifted the towel from the tray and hung it over h

ange your lunch, Mr. Secret

man, how long have I been e

was Secretary to

ppose you've told me you were

think I like to see a smart ma

only way for me to live through the banquets I have to

ch's simple lunches neve

I go to-ni

mbassador's, M

and had just lighted the first of

iew you on your ideas on marriage. She has a letter from Senator Brownlee or I woul

s is as near a wife as I care to get. He henpecks me enough, don't you, Jo

ictate a few moments on your report to t

learly and rapidly. For ten minutes his voice rose steadily above the raucous u

Enoch picked up the receiver. After a few m

cabinet meeting. I doubt if I can get back here until after five. Will you express my regrets

rid of them all excep

ink you mus

the White House with me. And I'll be back to finish the let

, wiping the sweat from his bald head, came in jus

Enoch. "We'll talk your

office. His linen suit was wrinkled and sweat staine

house at ten thirty to-night? He is at the Willard. Tell Jonas to interr

onded by Charley Abbott. It was a quarter before seven when Enoch picked up the last letter. He read it through rapidly, then laid it down slowly, and stared out of the window for a long moment.

ally I have followed your career with interest. And now I'm going to ask a favor of you. My daughter Diana wants a job in the Indian Bureau and she's coming to Washington to see

ongratulations on

s most res


id, illegible scrawl that toward the end of the pile became a mere hierogly

nswer that letter from Frank Allen the first thing in the mornin

t, as Enoch picked up his hat and went has

created by the former diplomat's wife from whom he leased it. Jonas was his steward and his valet. While other servants came and went, Jonas was there forever. He followed Enoch upstairs and turned on the bath water, then hurried to lay out evenin

and service, exceedingly informal as to conversation. Enoch took in a woman

off her gloves, "I've been wanti

to meet," returned

ee; several friends of mine have been trampled upon

urse?" dema

you so attractive to my sex is that you are

h spoke with simple sincer


I really know.

plied Mrs. Roth


. "Perhaps cat fear is your trouble! What are

, what I thought we ought to do. He gave no evidence, however, that

ying to pick your conf

quickly. "You know, I

beware of Germany in

e did you know in G

iserin well. I know that certain German diplomats are deeply versed in Mexican lore-its geography, its geology, its people. I know that Germany must ha

, Mrs. Rotherick?" a

eplied the l

hrough the eyes of a fiction wr

," laughed Mrs. Rotherick. "One could

the Interior," interr

therick. "Very well, gentlemen! I hope you n

. Rotherick: "Will you be so kind as to write me a letter telling me of

hat evening. Just before Enoch departed for his engag

a thing or two. She's better informed on international relations tha

h of a row are you fellows going to make about those mines in the

ing to make about the seal misund

ike to try out, to-morrow morning. If you'll join me at seven-thirty

ohns-Eaton. "But I'll be there and

July night while the Mexican answered Enoch's terse questions with a flow of dramatic speech, accentuate

ts about this bandit leader?

olute sure

"Could you go to Mexico f

now an American of your type, your fairness, your kindness, your justi

s taugh

Germans who have come among the pe

ch other, deep intelligence in the gaze of each. Jonas tin

he laughed. "That is

e wide-flung windows and the electric fan. He slowly and thoughtfully got himself into his pajamas, lighted a cigarette, and walked over to the table that stood in the

has written that his daughter, Diana, is coming to Washington to ask me for a job which he does not wish me to give her. I cannot see her! Only you know the pain that such a meeting could give me! It would be like going to Bright Angel again. And while the thought of going back to the Grand Canyon has intrigue

ged me never to mention Minetta Lane again. But to you, I must. Do you know what I thought to-night after I left the British Ambassador? I thought that I'd like to be in Luigi's second floor again, with a deck of cards and the old gang. The old gang! T

ight Angel trail. Finally, he rose and turned off the light. When Jonas listened at the door at half af

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