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The Enchanted Canyon


Word Count: 7379    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

od wished Him to know and suffer all that men know and suffer,

several times on the fact that some of the southwestern states did not back the

om his notebook with keen interest in eye and voice.

s reports to me that certain oil fields are diminishing at an alarming rate, and when any fool knows that a vital part of our future history is to be written in terms of oil, it behooves the Secretary of the Interior to look for remedial steps. Certain sections of our Southwest are saturated with oi

I recall it.

spapers took occasion then to sneer at government

o remember. The Brown pap

he laughed at me. Then, the Mexico trouble began to come to a head and I told the President what I feared. This was after I'd had that

rsation of the night before. Abb

would have to stop laughing," h

e was very low, "John

ays will l

asked C

now," repl

ach other for a long mo

time that he was jeal

n oil stock or he may

ing of the Bro

not a political rival, that I merely want to go to the

hat you are America's man on horseback." Charley's voice rose a little. "Why, even in this rotten, cynical city of Washingt

all," murmured he. "Abbott, I'd swap it all for-" he stopped abruptly, looked broodingly

n truthfully, I'd have said for personal aggrandizement! But my intimate association with you, Mr. Huntin

ome time that I thought you had served your apprenticeship as a secr

s job; not only because of my personal feeling for you but because I can learn more

ith me. See if I can have a conference with first the Secretary of State and then

a humorous attitude toward what he termed the Secretary of the Interior's midnight conference

oberly. When the report

does Mr. Fowler

emely careful not to encroach on the domain of the Secretary of State. My idea is very deliberately t

sident, "but what of the big game back of

" replied E

s evidence is produced, let the story be told. By Jove, if this war talk grows much more menacing, Hunt

eplied Enoch, wi

ingdon, we're working you too hard! You l

e to shift some of the load," said Enoch, with a

he way, what did you think

y interesting young

laimed the chief execu

as rare as-as a gr

mistake to cut all wome


glad," he added, as if fearing that he had been too ab

nformed on this Mexican matter, please, and take care of yourself, my bo

Enoch obediently,

ch achieved a free moment. This was when in the privacy of his own room Jonas had bidd

ed on it, I have decided that friendship is an art that needs attention and study. Will you not dine with me to-morrow, or rather, thi

his service with Enoch, he never had carried a note to a woman. It was mid-morning when he tip-toed to the Secretary's desk and laid a letter on it. Enoch was

Thank you, yes. Sin

iew, his face as somber as ever. But all that day it seemed to the watch

dining-room by palms. It was set well out from the second floor, overlooking a quiet park. Enoch was in the habit of

ossed in seating her where the light exactly suited him, did not note the curving lips. He did not know much about women's dr

s no special significance beyond the fact that the workmanshi

ort of joy?"

red Diana, in the bantering voice tha

ny kinds of joy as there are kinds of sorrow. Only sorrow is so much more persistent t

not pass, Mr. Secr

"Please, Miss Allen, don't

e has a real friend, I believe joy in

said Enoch quietly. "

tion of principles. It is not easy for a woman even of Diana's poise and simple sincerity to ke

lking your own shop, Mr.

gerly. "Is there some aspect o

as not thinking of your work as a Cabinet Official. I

ooked s

your speeches. I bought it at Brentano's and I don't mind telling you that it pinched the Joh

t I ought to reimburse

h a deligh

t I wanted to say was that it struck me as worth comment that after you ceased being Police Commissioner, you never

the balcony rail to the fountain

life," he said slowly, "is to hew straight

nd on what the line was. A man who goes into politics to make hims

went on. "I wanted to be Police Commissioner of New York because I wanted to make it impossible for other boys to have a boyhood like mine. I don't mean that, quite literally, I thought one man or one generation could accomplish the feat. But I did trul

breath. "I wonde

ckly as the griefs of their own childhood. There is nothing more difficult for people to imagine than how things affect a child'

eory about it?

have. Ha

boys and girls should be ed

Enoch's blue

that the boy approaches life from an entirely different direction from a girl and that our system of education should recognize that. Both are primarily guided b

l training? I think you'd

so," repl

g to cling to, something high and noble and permanent while sex with all its thousand varied impulses flagellates them! Something to go to with those exquisite, generous fancies that even the worst boy has and that even the best boy will not share even with t

ny of this into you

n saving it for you," and he l

d but smil

have found it hard to keep to any sort of fine idealism, partly because of

ry directly, "feel that at least one politician has played a clean ga

s, you would realize that it's no privilege at all. Nevertheless, I wish that you did know all about me. It woul

ps!" said Diana quickly. "He said in his

prove that Shakespeare wrote the sonnets to a man!" cried Enoc

battle. "What nonsens

" She paused as if stru

tude for a notorious w


ork. "Do you think I'

g steadily int

o personal. Just like

I'm a woman hate

Mr. Huntingdon, if our friendship

conception of the falseness of the position into which he was permitting hims

arry, but I do

mb won through years of suffering and experience deserted him. For

but let me expla

ana coldly. "I need no

n, you must not be off

o home," suggested Diana, coolly. "You

Indian Commissioner and his wife, and all opportunity for explanations was gone for the two invited themselv

to-morrow, Miss Allen, t

ll be very busy to-mo

here in the e

t," answered the girl,

," and sh

tkins, and started homeward. The night was stifling. When Jonas let him

ork to-night, Jonas

ed Jonas breathlessly, as he

a day's rest. Give me something t

boss," not stirring,

out." This in a voice that sent Jonas, however reluctantly, into t

s in years," he muttered. "I

room shortly. "Tell ev

said, and

d the watching Jonas followed him out into the dark streets. He knew exactly whither the boss was heading, and when Enoch had be

orner of the hall where he could keep an eye on all who entered the rear room. Well dressed men came and went from the ro

there now?"

y's winning the shirts off their backs. I've seen th

em drinking?"

offee. Lord, I

in for you. I want to

sinking into Jonas' c

leeves, was dealing as Jonas set a steaming cup at his elbow. Perhaps the intensity of the colored man's gaze distracted Enoch's attention for a mom

s," he said, and he closed

ley Abbott that the Secretary had gone to New York, then he returned to his place. Noo

e you see, it's your fault. . . . No, ma'am, I can't explain over the telephone, but if you'll come to the station and meet me at the news-stand on the corner, I'l

ws-stand, he stood with his hands twitching, talking to himself for a half hour


ht it off, but once in a while it gets him. He's been at it since last night over yonder, and for the first time in years I can't do anyt

that a man of Mr. Huntingdon's reputation and

ts the world by you, that you was different from the run of wome

r great eyes fastened on Jonas wit

dy on earth to help him till I come along. What do you women folks know about how a strong man like him fights Satan? I've seen him walk the floor all night and win, and

subsided, a sudden g


t here for the answer. If that doesn'

said Jonas, "and he'll gi

t me some paper from the new

r. Hunt

business. I am in the railway st


t the cards before him when Jonas thrust the note into his hand. Enoc

his hat from Jonas and strode out of the room. He did not speak as the two wal

r. Huntingdon," she sai

he entered the cab an

k, boss." Jonas held out a blac

to drop me at the hou

ved a great sigh as

it?" asked Enoch, look

ew York, Mr. Secretary

s to do so. I am humi

h a dreary sort

as if we hadn't known each other and all about each othe

is my guardian an

o apologize for my fit of temper, Mr. Secretary. I was very stupid and

ve it!" Enoch

erve all that grateful citizens can do for you, and even then we cannot expect to discharge our full

But it was not till two weeks later that Enoch sent a note to Diana, asking her to take dinner with him. Even his diary d

Senate Committee on appropriations, and with the director of the Reclamation

of it the Director

pting to loot the public funds, if you find satisfaction in it, but at

iliate me, Whipple." En

d the Senator who was actin

r the carrying on of a highly specialized business about which you are utterly ignor

The motion had carried and Enoch, as though it was already past

s a bunch of Mexicans both this and the other side of the border that have made serious trouble with the

h interest. "Come in and talk

A sealed letter was lying on the desk. Eno

e of their party. I have been able to arrange my work to Mr. Watkins' satisfaction and so, I'm off. I want to thank you very deeply for the wonderfu



put on his hat and walked out of the office. He did not go to his waiting carriage but, leaving the building by another door, he walked quickly to the drug store on the corner and, entering a telephone booth, called the railroa

ning when Jonas located him. Enoch was leaning

ng, boss,"

ou, Jonas? I haven't touched a car

tained this from the owner o

d your suppe

as, I guess not." Then he added irritably, "A ma

s behind him. "But how come you to think this was rest, boss

o on earth but you cares w

s noon, at lunch, that you was one of the great men of this cou

folded on his chest, h

ight, old man, I'll try

rds, and all the greatn

l an empt

, as he led the way to the street. There, Enoch

. "I guess ghosteses don't mind trave

onas' shoulder and hailed a passing nig

to-night. Mr. Secretary. I told 'em y

replied En

uld not sleep in their own homes. By the time the Secretary was ready for bed,

before the Secretary

ht's papers?" ask

I-I took a res

er plan-come up here, will you, at once? I

o about the work of the Survey near Paloma. The morning paper declared in glaring headlines that the President by his pacifist

l at breakfast when En

insisted that Enoch

yed his rest. And I'm going to ask you to add to your

Enoch's mouth deepene

general rou

n Francisco and in between as can b

free of office routine

fee slowly, then

work of my department, Mr. Pr

d let me be of any

grimly. "You might come along and

it were necessary!"

as needed for carrying on office work en route. The itinerary had been arranged to the last detail. A few carefully chosen newspaper

ice to the common need. He seemed to Abbott and to the newspaper men who for six weeks were so intimately associated with him to draw inspiration and information from the free air. And there was to all of his speeches an almost wistful persuasiveness, as if, Abbott said, he picked one listener in each audience, each night, and sought anew t

ditorially, at great length, and with the exception of the Brown papers, favorably. By the time Enoch was on his way home, with but two weeks more of spee

h asked for the newspapers that had been brought aboard from the desert city. Charley Abbott, who had been with the newspa

pt worse than ever last night. Why not save t

ked up some Brown papers here, eh! Nothing

ently. "You might as well say you were immune to r

Enoch, "if it's bad, I've

t you in the paper. The country at large and all of us who know you, scorn the lies as much as they do Brown. In a day or so,

r old chap, I've weathered

articular brand,"

Abbott. I'm not afraid o

rs to the Secretary and return

everal trips there. The reporter had then, with devilish ingenuity, followed Enoch back to Minetta Lane, where he had found Luigi. Then followed eight or ten paragraphs in Luig

he inherent democracy of America loved. But the Brown account made of Enoch a creature of the underworld, who still loved his early haunts and returned to them in all their vileness. And in all the years of his political life, no newspaper but

hen he lighted a cigarette and sat with folded arms, unseeing eyes on the newspaper. When Jonas came in an hour later, the cigarette, unsmoked, was cold between the Secretary's lips. With trembling hands

said huskily, "let

a large leather portfolio, he took out the black diary. This he placed carefully o

he heed the colloquy which took place

s he,

ed him. He's

me come

w come you think you ki

't da

tn't be alo

th his Bible. Ain't nobody goi

he Bible that way." Abbo

nd he always turns to it when he's in trouble. I don't know nothing about it. Wha

lf up and, with an air of resolution, opened the b

I am so very tired. One thing is certain, you never must see me again. For one wild moment the desire to return to the Canyon, now I am in its neighborhood overwhelmed me. I decided to go up there and see if I could find the pe

ght, he fell asleep almost immediately, and the faithful steward, after

w. Only the moonlit flats of the desert were to be seen. Enoch rose with sudden energy and dressed himself. He c

ear from me when I feel better. Give out that I'm sick-I am-and cancel the

distance and Enoch was alone in the desert. For a few moments he stood beside the track, drawing in deep breaths of the warm night air. Then he started slowly westward along the railway tracks. He had noted a cluster of adobe houses a mile or so back, and toward these he was headed. In spite of the agony of the blow he ha



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