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The New Something

The New Something

Author: Megumi

Chapter 1 New Students.

Word Count: 2701    |    Released on: 13/10/2023


nd looked to her side to se


asn't the first day of school. Summer was so much fun and I had even grown

venteen years old and today is

. My hair was about shoulder length, that's how I liked it, not too long, not too short. I hated my chest. Compared to some of th

ad long red hair that was always up in a pony tail and tribal tattoos all over his body. A lot

ng" He said returning to his plate. Soon my sister Mhadz walked in with a plate of pancakes and sat it down on t

ancakes were not being set in front of me.

at since you rarely sit and eat breakfast w

should eat with

take showers together, we were that close. Gerand parents died when he was fourteen, and since then he has been

en. "Good morning Franz" Mhadz said giving him a kiss on the li

fully. I smirked at Gerand when he greeted G

eakfast. Franz is Mhaz's husband. I thought it would be weird living with my older sister and her h

she was 18. My dad never approved of Franz, probably because he knew Franz was heir to a huge fortune and he thought that Franz had no real feelings for Mhadz . Not too long after Franz propo

bag. Gerand quickly obeyed by scarfing down the

ore making his way to follow me. "I'

bout my height, which everyone says is short. I don't know why. Mush has dark hair that she always puts in a bun. She is very pretty, considering she never wears makeup. Mush was

crazy mansion, but Franz wasn't accustomed to that, so we got a normal 4 b

e we are junior

said happily. All three of us walked into the school courtyard. I l

r faces. I even saw the two girls who h

one of my mortal enemies. Everyone just call her Cassandra for short. She has blue green hair and brownish grayish eyes. Fatima Rosales is her best friend and second in c

e has long, wavy, ginger-colored hair, brown eyes, and full lips. Engeline is also a cheerleader and senior but she didn't act like her two friends. First, Engeline is actually friends with m

uickly scolded Engelin

art" I heard Engeline say befor

and was talking about his summer working for the police station and Engeline was talking abo

g to. Gerand, actually all my friends, hated my boyfriend, before we started dating my boyfriend was k

spiky hair and teal eyes; I think that is what attracted me to him in the first place. "Hello Bobby" I said smiling. He leane

d to me referring to Gerand and Mush

said before walking away. I stood there breathlessly. We had been dating for six months and he could still take my breath away. He was my first lover. I gave him my virginity three months after we started dating. He still gives me butt

uch I hate him" Gerand sai

. "Let's go to class" I said hoping to avoid one of Gerand stupid lecture

h you" He started. I automatically regret

was easier to tell Mush since she is a girl, but it took me forever to tell Gerand, because I thought

d have waited Angel" Mus

need to consult you guys ab

e is bad news" G

e said. I looked over to see my friend Andrian Ramos walking over. I

her since school let out for the summer." He said. He walked i

iends. Andrian has dark spiky hair and a couple of tattoos on his face. He was like Gerand, he looked tough but he is such a softie. Andrian spent his summers with his father in Mani

festival next week" He asked. I automatically st

at to my right. Mush sat in front of me and Andrian sat in front of Gerand. Our teacher walked

g Class" She

.Villanueva" Ever

around you, notice anything weird". We all look around I notice

't notice and that's because we are going to be ta

r high school in Cagayan. It

oyed half the school so we have offered to taken some of their students." She finished. She

e yourself" Mrs.

and I am single ladies" Darwin had brown

g a quick glance to Mrs.Villanueva. Archie has shorter black hair, parted down the mid

ad was really tall and muscular. He had dark brown

captain"Rhesalyn was definitely a tomboy, and I noticed Gerand definitel

ll try them" Darlene has long brown-brown hair which she wears in bangs behind her e

e the typical nerd. But no way was he going to be number one in this class, I have that title. I made decided t

ge hair, but the most beautiful amber eyes I had ever seen. He was scowling which made all the girls i

mine. I looked at him and noticed his muscles. I watched him take a seat and sigh lazily. I looked at him for a little longer than I thou

not strawberry" He spat. I w

ver heard that" I w

you can stop calling out m

id proudly. I usually didn't flaunt that I am a Perez bu

spoiled brat with t

you know

I was smart to sit next to the Junior Class president Angel Per

?" I yelled getting out of my seat.

class gasped at his comment. I almost lunged at him until Mrs. Villanueva said. "Perfect, Miss Pe

lexis on a tour of the school" She

huffed and Zh

berry" I mumb

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