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Sir, you are my destined sweetheart!

Sir, you are my destined sweetheart!

Author: Kale Zhu

Chapter 1 It's really him!

Word Count: 1034    |    Released on: 13/10/2023

eyes, the plane has slowed to a cra

nly appears in her field of vision, gradual

n years is not enough

k message to her best friend, An

all from her man

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it was Olivia's custom t

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ct shoot for DC Fashion next week on Wednesday, y

I'm already ba

received a phone c

ned a few sentences to

alled Anna

a, who did

a second as she sent three words to Annabella

crowd out of the airport."Olivia, you didn't blink, Matthew left seven years ago and never

d had finally been declared an accidental death. In those seven year

ust be a mistake.Olivia wanted to retrace her steps, but she felt something ha

livia calmed herself again and again, but her legs were still

man behind her opened his mouth vio

l neck. The crowd immediately panicked at the sight of the situation, screams

unger of the officers opened her mouth first to calm the thug: "Andrew Brown, let go of that man! You'r

ing's late!I ......

Outlaw's entire body

Outlaw might accidentally s

frightening t

lt, so she took a deep breath and took advantage of the thug

ug brought the blade closer to her skin

move. But Andrew,

sped from

o sell drugs and you won't get a heavy sentence. But i

ting go of the hostage, the policeman on the other

on tenterhooks, someone suddenly

g the sharp edge, thrust forcibly forward, le

he slightly older male police officer who stepped forward and pulled Olivi

ixed her eyes to see that the person attacking the robber from behind was none oth

she could not forget that face, even the shallow scars at the corners of the eyes are


he distinctive silhouette of the independently designed branded coat

er suddenly reversed his hand, and the blade of the knife leaned directly aga


the speed of the thugs, and his arm suddenly had an additional wou

ing d

ive fingers apart, and the murder wea

the thug was already on

ome and help him

head, his eyes star

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1 Chapter 1 It's really him!2 Chapter 2 Miss Harrison, our relationship ended seven years ago.3 Chapter 3 it was hard not to feel heartbroken.4 Chapter 4 They meet again.5 Chapter 5 It's not your fault.6 Chapter 6 The old love token.7 Chapter 7 What should I do 8 Chapter 8 Drink some warm water and calm down9 Chapter 9 Miki, did you see him come out of the elevator in the car just now 10 Chapter 10 I may forget others, but I will never forget you11 Chapter 11 She is really beautiful, just like back then12 Chapter 12 He protected her again13 Chapter 13 If it weren't for her, his father wouldn't have died!14 Chapter 14 What a coincidence 15 Chapter 15 Why did she somehow feel that they were a good match 16 Chapter 16 Don't be like that today 17 Chapter 17 Burst water pipe18 Chapter 18 Excuse me, do you know Keith 19 Chapter 19 Forget it, let's just ignore it.20 Chapter 20 Need some help 21 Chapter 21 Call me anytime if you have any questions. 22 Chapter 22 sleeping in a room23 Chapter 23 Olivia's hurt24 Chapter 24 Is he suffering from a mental disorder 25 Chapter 25 They kiss!26 Chapter 26 Brave enough!27 Chapter 27 Why did you suddenly show up at the scene today 28 Chapter 28 Olivia, it's your turn29 Chapter 29 He knew Olivia too well.30 Chapter 30 She was confessed by others31 Chapter 31 Who is the winner of Supermodel 32 Chapter 32 Olivia, can you really lie 33 Chapter 33 Matthew, that's enough!34 Chapter 34 Olivia was stabbed and is in serious condition!35 Chapter 35 Aren't you afraid of losing money 36 Chapter 36 You are in my arms now. Don't you know what I'm going to do 37 Chapter 37 Tour boat on fire38 Chapter 38 Still reluctant to leave?39 Chapter 39 Olivia gets used by a lot of people, who knows 40 Chapter 40 Esme joined Cloud Apparel.41 Chapter 41 Olivia, will you marry me