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Sir, you are my destined sweetheart!

Chapter 3 it was hard not to feel heartbroken.

Word Count: 1067    |    Released on: 13/10/2023

w thanked the medical st

and the look of Matthew when he wa

ed to Washington, D.C., becoming her neighbor, and Ma

she had done so poorly on her exams, she had been chased all over the yard by h

e rescued, he helped a little and man

f his grades and daily life, he became what her father call

us tendencies would come to the fore and she would talk back. One of the most bafflin

h, he just threw her a "And don't look in the mirror first to see what you l

only one thought, it m

rsations were h

her best friend Annabella, so the gossip

the distance and Olivia withdrew her eyes and

en Matthew got into the car, his gaze lingere

rearview mirror that he retracted his gaze and

e did, Annabella, dressed in her own costume, was staring

nd coughed, "Annabella, time to wa

tiative to get out of the car to help carry the luggage into the trunk, while sti

u more time to think about all

to hold back a laugh at her exasperation."Get in the car,

open the passenger side door of the car and got in, her mouth twitch



Olivia's two words, and she stared blankly at Oli

, give him my regards, and send him some

, ten meals i

headache, she's not even twenty-five and she

t married, but he's also arranged all ki

ago even thought she wa

aring the mantle of

livia couldn't help but reach out and stroke the right side of Annabella's face w

d for dinner, just dr


e airport, on the way Annabella filled Olivia in on Cloud

always Annabella who proposed the plan and Olivia

r plan to find a celebrity endorseme

on brand YJ extended us an olive branch, expressing interest

le hard drive, placing it in the small box of tapes in the car as she informed Annabel


and according to the navigation, she drove along the road for about

Coke, only to be stopped halfway by Annabella, who was supposedly watching her wei

ater before she lay back on the couch, her min

, Annabella's phone

ture of Olivia being held hostage in the sliding, rotating im

ied to him, Matthe

, and remembered Olivia's thin appearance during the time

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1 Chapter 1 It's really him!2 Chapter 2 Miss Harrison, our relationship ended seven years ago.3 Chapter 3 it was hard not to feel heartbroken.4 Chapter 4 They meet again.5 Chapter 5 It's not your fault.6 Chapter 6 The old love token.7 Chapter 7 What should I do 8 Chapter 8 Drink some warm water and calm down9 Chapter 9 Miki, did you see him come out of the elevator in the car just now 10 Chapter 10 I may forget others, but I will never forget you11 Chapter 11 She is really beautiful, just like back then12 Chapter 12 He protected her again13 Chapter 13 If it weren't for her, his father wouldn't have died!14 Chapter 14 What a coincidence 15 Chapter 15 Why did she somehow feel that they were a good match 16 Chapter 16 Don't be like that today 17 Chapter 17 Burst water pipe18 Chapter 18 Excuse me, do you know Keith 19 Chapter 19 Forget it, let's just ignore it.20 Chapter 20 Need some help 21 Chapter 21 Call me anytime if you have any questions. 22 Chapter 22 sleeping in a room23 Chapter 23 Olivia's hurt24 Chapter 24 Is he suffering from a mental disorder 25 Chapter 25 They kiss!26 Chapter 26 Brave enough!27 Chapter 27 Why did you suddenly show up at the scene today 28 Chapter 28 Olivia, it's your turn29 Chapter 29 He knew Olivia too well.30 Chapter 30 She was confessed by others31 Chapter 31 Who is the winner of Supermodel 32 Chapter 32 Olivia, can you really lie 33 Chapter 33 Matthew, that's enough!34 Chapter 34 Olivia was stabbed and is in serious condition!35 Chapter 35 Aren't you afraid of losing money 36 Chapter 36 You are in my arms now. Don't you know what I'm going to do 37 Chapter 37 Tour boat on fire38 Chapter 38 Still reluctant to leave?39 Chapter 39 Olivia gets used by a lot of people, who knows 40 Chapter 40 Esme joined Cloud Apparel.41 Chapter 41 Olivia, will you marry me