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Ayanokoji As Sasuke.

Chapter 4 Meeting Naruto And Mizuki's Betrayal As He Serves Him...

Word Count: 3405    |    Released on: 17/10/2023

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his desk. As he immersed himself in the administrative tasks befitting his position, a subtle disturbance in the air alerted him

ed, his weathered features

to duty. Clutching a stack of documents, Fugaku greeted the Third Hokage with

. "Thank you, Fugaku. I couldn't help but notice that you appea

ment shone in his eyes. "Indeed, Lord Third. I wante

irthday, Hiruzen inquired about the boy's upbringing. "Ah, his birthday was

n fact, we may have another prodigious talent em

scinating. Are you referring to Sa

he managed to defeat a shadow clone of Shisui with a single chakra-enhanced kick. Shisui believes Sasuke has already reached the level of a Genin, and he is rapidly approaching Chunin status. H

en aback by Fugaku's revelation,

onally conceals his true strength. Given his defeat of Shisui's clone and his evident intelligence, we need not worr

ravages of war and the ways of the shinobi until he reaches an appropriate age,

s world of shinobi at such a tender age, especially when there is no ongoing war. By the way, where do you think Sasuke and his assig

ed them earlier. They were last seen n

witnessing the Crystal Ball jutsu. However, the scene that unfolded before them deviated greatly from their assumptions. Sasuke's body bore several wounds, h

m that monstrous assailant, whom I suspect to be Mizuki. Go swiftly, and I will dispatch additional a

, "Understood, Lord Hokage." He swiftly vanished from the room

ion would reach Sasuke and Iruka in time, as he brace

urs ea

n." As they embarked on their journey, Mizuki inquired, "Sasuke, is there any particular place you'd like to

s safe to play with such dangerous tools?" Sasuke reassured him, "Don't

rs. Agreement reached, they set out, with Sasuke keenly observing his su

. Also, do you know the proper technique for throwing them?" Sasuke agreed, "Okay, and any tips you guys have would be ap

student will be a member of the prestigious Uchiha clan, albeit a young one," Mizuki remarked, his smile evident. "Very well. Sh

throw sailed upwards, and the following one dipped down. 'I understand,' Sasuke thought. Gathering his focus, he muster

oom for improvement. Let me demonstrate." Iruka took out a kunai and threw it with near-perfect precision. He then proceeded to explain, "First, ensure a proper grip and stance for ho

relentlessly repeating the process until the clock neared 1:00 PM. "Incredible, Sasuke! On your very first day, you hit the target a staggering 39 times in a row. It took me ov

achi big brother famous?" Mizuki replied, "Fame barely scratches the surface of his reputation. He is a highly skilled shinobi, a genius and prodigy. Mo

, he is an exceptional shinobi." Sasuke acknowledged their praise and suggested cheerfully, "Well then, let's enjoy the lunch my mom prepared for us." However, an underlying suspicion lingered in Sasuke's mind regardin

ing at the playground. Sasuke's attention was caught by a young boy with blonde hair. 'Naruto, most likely. If he's the child of that red-haired woman. But why does e

njutsu," had red hair. Since Naruto shares their facial features and I overheard my mother mention Minato as his father, it's highly probable that the Ni

Naruto, and he eagerly attempted to join the other children in play. However, a man interjected, warning his own chi

ant taking an interest in someone who was often disregarded or scorned by others. However, in a moment of insight, Sasuke conceived an idea that would not only mitigate these co

ing Naruto, he surprised not only Iruka and Mizuki but also everyone else present, although they remained unaware that the boy before t

aze. Various theories swirled in his mind—ranging from protecting him against his father's enemies to concealing his role as the Nine-Tails' vessel. However, he couldn

idiot! I—" What followed next hurt Naruto deeply. "I have no interest in interacting or even talking with an idiot like you. I'm leaving," Sasuke declared before shunshining away. However, not without leaving behind an act of

onded with anger, pushing them away and worsening the situation. 'Why is this happening to me? What have I done to deserve such hatred?' Naruto wo

d, "But how? I saw you go

he found inside filled him with a mix of joy and frustration. There were three thousand ryo and a note. The note read, "Yo, Naruto! I might be interested in being your friend. However, due to certain circumstances, I

loud and an idiot. He holds the key to

les me. I wouldn't mind one or two ge

of Sasuke. Deep down, Sasuke genuinely desired to befriend Naruto, and the negative impression he had left earlier weighed on him. However, the presence of

ked. Sasuke's response was immediate and resolute. "Yes," he replied, his determination evident. Sensing an opening, Mizuki proposed an alternative trainin

er he or Iruka could spar with Sasuke and assess his skills. Both Iruka and Sasuke agreed, unaware that they were about to be thrust into a life-threatening situation. Sasuke couldn'

uka, leave Sasuke here and run for your life. As a former friend, I'll graciously allow you to see another sunrise," Mizuk

Iruka. I'm going to kidnap this Uchiha kid," he stated with malicious intent. Iruka's initial disbelief gradually transformed into a sober understanding. Realiz

of his parents' sacrifice and their unwavering determination. 'I finally comprehend your feelings, Mom and Dad. Why you fought alone that night to save me. And now, I

t jab with his right hand, countering with a rapid jab of his own that found its mark. Enraged, Mizuki retaliated with a lo

dn't defeat Mizuki now, both he and Iruka would face certain death. However,

ir weapons clashing as they engaged in a fierce struggle. Despite their seemingly equal footing, Sasuke held a signifi

r intense duel. They surged forward once more, and Sasuke finally spotted an opening. When Mizuki aimed to stab him, Sasuke skillfully maneuvered his w

nity to finish Mizuki, Sasuke unleashed a lightning-fast jab with his left hand, followed by a powerful cross and an uppercut. His assault continued wit

le begins now." He charged toward Sasuke with enhanced speed and strength. Sasuke, anticipating the attack, thought t

not on the level of Tsunade or Sakura, it still posed a significant threat. However, to Sasuke's astonishment, Mizuki managed to connect his fist wi

remarkable agility, Sasuke skillfully flipped his body, evading further damage. Regaining his balance, Sasuke retaliated with a swift right-handed punch, but Mizuki intercepted it by blocking with h

re. Seizing the opportunity, Sasuke had intentionally allowed himself to be struck by Mizuki, embedding a blade into Mizuki's left side with his

ed out, just as Sasuke had anticipated. Unbeknownst to Mizuki, Sasuke had stumbled upon a plant with potent chemical properties akin to scopolamine, capable of impa

ough initially unaware of Mizuki's allegiance, Sasuke had grown cautious upon sensing something amiss. Iruka, who overheard their conversation, fo

yet my complete repertoire of skills and techniques remains untapped. I still possess the Fire Ball Jutsu and Genjutsu at my disposal.' With th

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