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Ayanokoji As Sasuke.

Chapter 5 The type of human, I am.

Word Count: 3020    |    Released on: 17/10/2023

spectful owner. Also Bsd won't have much influence excep

nds, swiftly immobilizing him. Seizing the opportunity, Sasuke delivered a devastating knee strike to Mizuki's solar plexus. However, to his surprise, the attack had little effect

ination shining through. "I can hold him off for about five minutes. I

must be the real threat here, granting Mizuki such power. If I flee, Iruka's chances of survival diminish significantly, as I am unable to match Mizuki

the anticipated outcome. "As expected, he runs, leaving you to face your demise at my hands, only to be captured later. Iruka." Even Iruka's expression grew grave, fu

ing shurikens and kunais. The echoes of Iruka's teachings left a pang of guilt within Sasuke, as he regretted leaving his mentor behind. However, the truth remaine

dasaku's profound words resonated within Sasuke's being: "Remember Kiyo****, cultivating goodness within oneself has the power to illuminate th

l. Damn it!" Sasuke's frustration exploded, his fist colliding with a nearby tree. But as he halted, the image

clouded, now captured details with astounding clarity. As if guided by an innate instinct, he observed a bird in flight, its movements

genkai inherent to the Uchiha bloodline. Without hesitation, he embraced the realization, knowing the

screams. Despite the pain, Iruka rose to his feet, ready to continue the fight. Little did he expec

wo: Allow me to unleash my fury upon you, considering all the harm you've caused. And trust me, I'd mu

mplain since you came to me willingly." Before Iruka could utter a word, Sasuke interjected, "I

the duo. The impact obliterated the ground, but both Sasuke and Iruka skillfully evaded the attack. Seiz

ch me off guard, to make me believe you would engage in combat, only to resort to a game of hide a

their evasive game. The clash resumed, but this time, a notable difference emerged.

y evading and countering with a lethal back kick that propelled Mizuki several mete

to provoke further, reminding Mizuki of the dangers of underestimating opponents. "Just because I'm a kid, you

ingan-induced genjutsu. However, he managed to break free within a mere 1.3 seco

to crush him into the ground. Suddenly, a powerful voice resonated through the air. "Fire Style: Grand Fir


led with shock and fear. He looked up, witnessing three S

ed three Sasukes, releasing a trip


ad perfected my sealing techniques further, your shadow clone wouldn't have needed to face that fire jutsu. You just learn

an in the shinobi world for the latter. However, their moment of relief was abruptly interrupted as inju

I was mistaken about that part." He threw another punch, and though Sasuke managed to block it, he felt the strai

med like a checkmate situation from Mizuki's perspective. Helplessly, Iruka screamed out Sasuke's nam

i's intentions then turned towards killing Iruka and taking Sasuke away. However, just in the nick of time,

nding before him was none other than Fugaku Uchiha. Fugaku spoke with an air of authority, challenging Miz

? I'll defeat you once again and take Sasuke to Lord Orochimaru." Hi

ents. But I expected a more rational mindset from one of that snake's subordinates. Sharingan!' Fugaku's mind worked swiftly, and

strike. It was clear to Fugaku that Mizuki possessed extraordinary strength, surpassing even 14% of the

an, accurately anticipated the attack. Seizing the opportunity, he allowed Mizuki to close

through the air. With incredible speed, Fugaku appeared in front of Mizuki in an instant, delivering a de

nd Iruka," Fugaku inquired, determined to understand the situation. Sasuke rose to his feet, o

ate. Despite his weakened condition, Sasuke mustered the strength to listen. Iruka proceeded to recount th

Iruka confirmed his suspicions, but there were two crucial details he had forgotten to mention. "Oh! I apologize for forgetting. Sasuke has aw

Sasuke, now able to stand, interjected, "Father, I... I couldn't defeat Mizuki, earlier." He atte

on't be disheartened. At your age, I was nowhere near your skill level. Now, did something else happen?" Fugaku inquired with conc

meaning. Fugaku realized his mistake and clarified, "I was referring to the misconception you had about 'love

e and Interrogation Force (KTIF) before proceeding to meet with Hiruzen. They discussed the events b

ou tell me how you awakened your Sharingan?" Hiruzen inquired, as the data indicated that Sasuke had awakened it d

n that brought forth the awakening, Lord Hokage." Satisfied with the answer, Hiruzen allowed Sasuke to proceed with a few more question

e?" Hiruzen replied cryptically, "It means Sasuke awakened it using the same method as a certain Uchiha did. You're familiar with him. Furthe

r hair defying gravity itself. "Lord Fugaku, I'm relieved to see that Sasuke is safe. Is there a

has awakened the Sharingan, just like your friend," Hiruzen explained. Fugaku instantly comprehend

of hatred, but from the emotion of wanting to protect someone. That's certainly rare," Kakashi remarked, reminiscing about his forme

xt mor

s mother. She replied, concerned, "Why do you think you're being selfish? You know what happened to you yesterday,

my reasons, right?" Sasuke thought with a smirk, feeling a sen

explaining, his thoughts interrupted by Mikoto's sudden realization. "Wait, Sasuke, you mentioned a yellow-haired boy. Can you transform i

e playground the day before, she never expected it to be Naruto. Since neither Iru

sked, searching for Sasuke to train him. "Oh, he went to meet his friend with S

ern. Mikoto responded with a giggle, saying, "Don't worry, dear. He's going to meet someone very special."

ff. Though I expected him to die from that fireball attack. But also..." It surprised Fugaku that su

some t

formed appearance. "Hmm?" Sasuke responded, and Shis

Naruto arrived. "Hey, Naruto." Sasuke thought to himself, 'It's true, Naruto. I want a genuine friend, someone I can trust and se

d you miss me?" Naruto cheerfully greeted him. Sasuke replied, "Yeah, I'm fine.

have you?" Naruto maintained a cheerful tone, but deep down, he fe

another monologue in Sasuke's mind about the subject matter. "So, what's your dream, Naruto?

social power, political power, intelligence, and reputation matter too. I doubt he possesses any of those qualities, especially the last one. Wait, why am I even thinking about this? He's the o

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