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Chapter 9 THE HUNT

Word Count: 1145    |    Released on: 12/11/2023



for the man that stood before me. He had the same expression as the day I arrived; he seemed nothing like Steven fr

s and even on my own body as I fell de

of my reverie. I immediately bowed and greeted him politely, but he c

moving from rose bush to rose bush, trying to avoid his eyes. After a few minutes, he arrived at the gates o

, then wondered why he hadn't caught my attention yet. Maybe he

t slowly narrowed, I could see the figure of a child standing before the alpha. As I stared at the child, she suddenly inclined her head to the left and smiled at me

h my chest. I immediately turned around and headed into the mansion, wondering wha

h Steven? Anyone else would have minded their business and walked away from

e I had never met before, a female who was dressed like one of the warrior wolves. She had dark orange

st her, I wave

nt door, and it seemed nothing could distract her. I waited for a few secon

ne in this mansion was. I finally arrived in my room and found the other girl

phases: the first phase was a large cookout in the big hou

the garments they wore. Each of them wore simple clothing that

too; you'll ruin these clothes if you w

hunt too?" I asked as I walked t

specific time limit, and when the bell rings, we all return to the mansion or we'll be l

. she pulled the blind fold off and her hair fell above her eyes and covered it again. my brows furrowed and my lips tigh

I don't think you're ready for that yet." She turned around and tied the rest of her hair in a bun. She had a bla

ced her right palm on its handle and pulled it open, and all three of us walked out of the room. We

around the door," I said as the four of u

istine turned around and made a shushin

that blew by and the leaves that rustled and crunched

perceive the blood of game caught by the wolve

" I asked as my hea

safety of the people in this mansion, and this is what THE HUNT is for. Wolves you once thought were your friends will turn on you jus

d it open, and said softly as we walked o

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1 Chapter 1 SOLD OFF2 Chapter 2 CLOSE FRIENDS3 Chapter 3 MY MATE4 Chapter 4 ALPHA STEVEN5 Chapter 5 RUTHLESS ALPHA6 Chapter 6 THE GUIDE7 Chapter 7 COUNCIL MEETING8 Chapter 8 THE OTHER SIDE9 Chapter 9 THE HUNT10 Chapter 10 STRANGE ENCOUNTER 11 Chapter 11 STRANGE DREAM 12 Chapter 12 DARK SECRET13 Chapter 13 BRICK WALL14 Chapter 14 CORTANA 15 Chapter 15 ANAYA BELMONT16 Chapter 16 ALPHA'S POWER 17 Chapter 17 LETTERS FROM PACKS18 Chapter 18 ALPHA DERRIN19 Chapter 19 IRON LADY 20 Chapter 20 DOUBLE PERSONALITY21 Chapter 21 OMEGA STEVEN22 Chapter 22 FINAL GOOD-BYES 23 Chapter 23 FIRST CLUE24 Chapter 24 GOOD STEVEN 25 Chapter 25 SUDDEN BREAKFAST26 Chapter 26 CHRISTINE 27 Chapter 27 THE SECRET28 Chapter 28 THE HEAD'S POWER.29 Chapter 29 CRIMINAL MASTER MIND30 Chapter 30 NIGHT OUT31 Chapter 31 DERREN'S SCHEME32 Chapter 32 LAST WORDS33 Chapter 33 MANSION AILMENT 34 Chapter 34 MISSING PAGE35 Chapter 35 THE DANCE36 Chapter 36 THE LOOP37 Chapter 37 LAVA PUZZLE 38 Chapter 38 DILEMMA 39 Chapter 39 GREGORY40 Chapter 40 BACK IN TIME41 Chapter 41 HOLY EVENT42 Chapter 42 FINAL BOX43 Chapter 43 AWKWARDNESS44 Chapter 44 BREAKFAST45 Chapter 45 AVOIDING GREGORY46 Chapter 46 GREGORY'S MATE47 Chapter 47 DATE WITH CHRISTINE48 Chapter 48 HOWARD MORTIMER49 Chapter 49 SAUNA ATTACK50 Chapter 50 KIDNAPPING CORTANA51 Chapter 51 TRUE BEAST52 Chapter 52 BROKEN53 Chapter 53 STRANGE VISITOR54 Chapter 54 MARIE'S SISTER 55 Chapter 55 HERALD REINCARNATED 56 Chapter 56 STEVEN'S DEDUCTIONS57 Chapter 57 DEPARTURE 58 Chapter 58 ANAYA'S TRUTH59 Chapter 59 ASSIGNMENT 60 Chapter 60 ATTACK ON GREY WOLF 61 Chapter 61 GREGORY'S LETTER62 Chapter 62 BLOODY NIGHT63 Chapter 63 CAVE IN64 Chapter 64 LIVING FOREST 65 Chapter 65 ABYSS DEMON 66 Chapter 66 FIRST TEST 67 Chapter 67 MARIE68 Chapter 68 LITTLE LIGHT 69 Chapter 69 POLAR BEAR 70 Chapter 70 SISTERS71 Chapter 71 MEREDITH 72 Chapter 72 LITTLE BROTHER 73 Chapter 73 WRONG TURN 74 Chapter 74 FINAL TEST 75 Chapter 75 SECOND CLUE 76 Chapter 76 CHOSEN ONE 77 Chapter 77 VISIT78 Chapter 78 INTERROGATION 79 Chapter 79 THE VOID80 Chapter 80 MAD CLARABELLE 81 Chapter 81 THE VESSEL 82 Chapter 82 NIGHT WALKERS83 Chapter 83 DARK FOREST 84 Chapter 84 MENTAL LINK 85 Chapter 85 ONE WITH A gOD86 Chapter 86 MARIE'S ABILITIES 87 Chapter 87 LAST BATTLE 88 Chapter 88 OTHERWORLDLY BEINGS 89 Chapter 89 STEPPING DOWN 90 Chapter 90 HOME SWEET HOME 91 Chapter 91 SHORT STROLL92 Chapter 92 MIND LOST93 Chapter 93 CLARABELLE 94 Chapter 94 MOURNING 95 Chapter 95 THE PLOT96 Chapter 96 BATTLE STRATEGY 97 Chapter 97 EVACUATION98 Chapter 98 ESCAPING CORTANA 99 Chapter 99 BACK TO LIFE100 Chapter 100 BETA BATTLE