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The Forest Monster of Oz


Word Count: 1479    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

lly toward the scene, feari

said grimly. "That animal is big! But it has po

?" asked

ld, but the creature did not even seem to notice. In a glance it was a

that thing! Look at its teeth! It will eat

Elephant vs.

et noise and stepped on the Monster's foot. With

eat Fisher up like that? A poor defenseles

and scratchy voice. "I was trying to see if it was a lion. I was to

got your head,"

get it back! And before I could, my body began to shrink. I kept getti

re you saying that you were

ound myself a way


h a flit gun, but I like to eat them up. Bugs are yummy in my tummy! But my little Lovebug is special. She doesn't g

asked Elephant

a cockroach, my Lovebug can produce the stuff inside her teeny little heart. All I have to do is chant

at! To cheapen this sacred gift by forcing someone into submission by magic or force is an abuse of Love, and not what the gods had

spider was gone. He obviously did not

Nibbles. "That big old thing w

sher?" aske

hingy ate her

e hope

feline meow. "Is that

e slightest tinge of fear at the sight of the cat. In Oz, natural enemies o

before me that time!" said the cat. "Wha

ephant. "But I hope we'

out Lovebug? He's got her stuck in his sticky web, and he is treating her like a slave and he's even making her-ugh!-kiss him! How yucky can you get?

eaty. "Don't you think that we have more importan

at like Fisher is our friend. In this fantastic country, I'd think that e

aty said. "I'm not abo

for the sake o

wers to do that for people. But that spider is misusing her powers and making her serve him in a most wicked capacity against h

g to try to help save

," said


scream was heard. Hurrying toward the sound, t

ened?" ask

talking about the Tin Woodman. I don't know who would do such a foul thing! Tiger is my best friend!

s swallowed hard. "I know it was he who did this! He is so h

w this sort of thing to happen. Do you remember the last t

all enslaved. Oh, she was ever so much worse than I had ever r

we should do something about it. I was being awfully selfish when I refused to do anything to help that little bug. But now my eyes ar

ay!" trumpeted Elephant. "I am willing to believe

not insane," said Nibbles. "After all, who would ever believe t

when his eye fell upon a l

onster's footprints! Goodness! Just look how deep

lmost as big around as a horse! And look at the size of those claws!

for the Queen. Because she is a mere child, she will be most impressed by its mass. I think we

nt's help, they poured some maple syrupy sap into the footprint. Elephant blew on this with his strong l

d it up in his trunk and

other two nestled upon his head and t

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