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The Forest Monster of Oz


Word Count: 3542    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

aggy-looking creatures with forms that resembled the Wooly Mammoth. They had short squat legs like tree trunks; short squat little b

e for?" etc. Whereas the Gilligoggs were quite elegant-even sophisticated-compared to the Droffs. They were tall and slender, with long delicate fingers that they waved expressively as they talked. They also had long hair but it was as soft and sweet smelling as the Droffs' hair was c

ept that people with different appearances seem to distrust each other, even when there has been no physical aggression between them. Neit

y so sweet smelling in comparison. Now, this may be true in one way, but in actual fact, the Droffs had just as high a standard of personal hygiene as the Gilligoggs. It was just that the Gilligoggs' olfactory senses were sensitive to the natural scent of the Droffs (just as the Droffs' olfactory senses were equally sensitive to the natural scent of the Gilligoggs). And while neither group found the other offensive in this way, they could detect a difference, albeit on a subconscious level. Another argument might be that the Droffs had lower social standards than the Gilligoggs. This argument, too, has to fall by the wayside. For reasons that we will not go into here, the Dro

ted again, she was always polite to her people. She knew that, in order to be a good rul

y for the Fairies, angels or gods. So in awe of this lovely lady were our adventurers that only Ozma found her

re on our way to enlist the help of some people who live beyond your te

ruler of the Gilligoggs." If this young lady felt any doubt that Ozma was indeed a queen, she did not let on. Indeed, she seemed unconcerned as to the identity of her queen. "But I shall tell you

ke the Stinkfoot and Sniffer war! This will not be a good thing for any of the Lunechien Forest denizens. Why

ctices. Why, if I had to fight, I might break a fingernail. But we do wish that the Droffs would

ion Ozma a

ese Droffs some sort of frightf

lot like you, only they are all hairy and vulgar. You, at least, are not covered with all that coarse fur. Still, I wonde

are elephants?"

phants?" tw

questioned Lisa an

eplied the princess.

id we come to see the Gilligoggs. We were looking for t

otsey with certaint

e among the Droffs. I do not know of them. Nor d

or not they are pleasant if

nown that we are superior to all other living beings, so we avoid contact with a

in Tweaty. "You don't

ns! They have the most outlandish-looking nose

to meet these Droffs,

Droffs. They are messy things at best. I had offered you a great honor in speaking to you, but you obviously do not appreciate it. Had the dross not b

s even stopped to look at them as they passed through. Before long, they came upo

the Droff. "

ueen of Oz,"

replied the Droff. "Me are

e Lunechiens in

e much, but share. Me have oatmeal with much gravy. For nice Queen, me even serve with sprinkles. Me likes Queen lots, and Elephant. Have good seeds for birdies,

said Nibbles

e might have been, served up a repast

sly more hospitable th


ed Biff. "You am k

their country on our w

offs pass through. Not come to visit Droffs, neither. To Gi

ked Ozma. "

lied the Droff. "Rotte

s. You am kno

ste. "And that princess had the ne

he Droffs have such lo

he Droffs are unsanita

on the Droffs is ca


what they are doing to the world around them has made them into a life form that is m

at all hatred do that lots. If you hate something so bad that you try to be away from it a lot

es, there is no knowledge any more. Both sides end up losers

said Biff with a smile. "Y

," said Lisa. "Now tell me, do you kn

though. Friend are much smart and also wise. Him have good and useful gl

"Have them got la

iking Droffs' friends. Me can take pretty queen and nice Elephant and friends to see Dr

y much," said Ozma. "I


liking you," said B

hed Light Bulbs themselves. From a distance, they looked pretty much like ordinary light bulbs. But as our little party drew closer, they could see the individuality of

seeing you! Me haves the Queen of Oz here, too. Her wants t

tts. "Any friend of Bif

long appendages to the

leasure," said Watts to

m glad to see that you

you," s

ly realizing that there had to be some sort of

t sure just how to beg

of Oz has come

. "That's awful! Wha

that is threatening our fine forest," she

y!" shuddered

any living creature and render him an

help? If you need to move away from this monster, you are welcome to join us. T

nd stand up to the Forest Monster. No one else can do it. Even I would hesitate to approa

this Forest Monster?

choice. Already he is too strong to be reckoned with. I have been a queen for only a short time. I do have fairy powers,

said Tweaty. "You can't

half before you ge

can change the color of her hair, for example. Maybe she could use some of her fairy magic to scare aw

n we think he has. But you do have a point. I do have some powers that I should try to make use of. Having only been a fairy for a short time, I'

ybe you can turn the Forest Monster into a pumpkin or something. I don't mind

py to come along to back you up. That way, if I am needed, I'll be there. If I am not ne

ot more than I already have. This will be a good learning experience for me, and can only make me a

ging?" ask

same to me,"

t a new spell." She had the magical tool with her, so she took it from its case and

supposed to say while you're doing

me think.... I should know the word." She again put her hands to her head and co

housecat. He still had his yellow feathers, however. "Awk!" he said. "Look what you did to

" sighed Ozma. "But this is sti

e was no larger than he had been as a cat, but

t. "You look like me, on

imal, he'd just go back and do it all over again. You must turn him into something inanimate. But please, this is very uncomfortable. I'm used to be

. "Yes, Ozma, do put him back the way he was. As adorabl

ore. This time, nothing happened. "I am sorry," sighed Ozma. "I am already feel

have to look like this unt

to remember, I am only beginning to get my sea-legs as a fairy. Once I am more proficient, I'm sur

ittle orange elephant," sighed Tweaty. "I'm

at all of the Saber-Toothed Light-Bulbs will be happy to go and see what we can do. We are always anxious to help good folks like yourselves. And even though it isn't something I'm terribly proud of, I can be very ferocious when I h

u would aptly frighten the Forest Monster out of our fores

Gilligoggs. Not that I am afraid of the Gilligoggs or anything. I just find them unpleasant to

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