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Chapter 3 THE OFFER...

Word Count: 1593    |    Released on: 31/12/2023

wsed through the internet for songs, I got a message. Not a regul

ped in curiosity, staring at the mess

lah, it'

ny who sprawled o

nybody my numbe

ied, looking in my dire

I looked at th

number from?' Curious

group,' An answer

my profile, there's nothing on my pro

what I was doing before his message poppe

th my headphones, and looked at

the hostel, going straight to my favourite spot w

n my ear as I trod along the way

ept for the music and the blue li

library. It is surrounded by trees which make it hidden from view, so no

oon was shining brightly which made it possible to see through my book as I laid it in f

holding in my hand. It was just a pen though, but I was willing and ready

ll, that is a human's hand, not

ned out to be Drevy. I removed my hand immediate

ax," He said in a defe

ur weapon, my vital point was

ou doing he

ing enchanted me, I moved closer and there

ed me, whereas it's dark already, so that can't be true. So how did y

like I did, but I haven't se

ecided to come and greet you, but you responded

ying," I p

ace, and since I've been coming here, I haven't seen nor met anyone he

pass, I was nosy to know where you were going,

when have you been coming here

ile… " I paused

for caring." I picked up my boo

ing, which overwhelmed the silence. I wante

that Kat

is," I

my favourites


' He pointed at the

tate of confusion ra

so many things I want someone to explain to

d with people." I opened my

was taken away swiftly by him. I quickly sto

h his height, not to talk of how high the book was. All I

ve me my boo

then I'll gladly give you your book" He

before you saw and stalked me, so go back to where you are coming from, you don

moon giving light to it, his blue eyes

ssive? You can't help a fr

d that. I couldn't believe that f

ay from him. I sat on my previous seat w

ming through my headset. This title and part of the lyric

aste in music,

m your playlists say it all that your ta

on how great my music is or are you he

sues, someone like you can't be l

g stereotypical by saying someone like me is n

I know you but at least you and your group

me, genius isn't born but made, I may look and act like one, but I h

ve to go, I've spent more tha

ck, slung it over my shoulder and

you leaving with

put on my headphones and wal

he lengthiest I have ever ta

ck. I sat down and checked my phone, a

he is the first and only pers

my phone an


ht have deleted the message I sent you earlie

ssage popp

ped or something? You don't care about my well-being, that's not

sense of humour

us called me back in the middle o

is sense of humour is so funny. That is a bad rating I must say or is there anything like a bad sense of humour? Well..there i

on my bed. I looked at Brelany

r. I closed my eyes hoping the peacefulness w

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