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Red Riding Jack

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1012    |    Released on: 26/10/2023

ardness that follows it when you wake up to someone you probably would never se

uddling with me- thank fuck for that but

as I kept on looking at my naked body. My hair was also over the place- and not in an attractive way. My n

ickly put on the dress then brush my hands through my tangled hair. I ca

bathroom and I splash

nda" I said aloud while sta

d the hickeys that are visible. I went back t

lf, getting on my knees with my ass sticking

e later. Opening the door of the bedroom with a squeak, I looked at the hall before closing it behin

hind me and I jumped in fright befo

bled when I saw it w

his hips showing his V line. His abs are so

d while bringing the cup of coffee he'

from on foot to the other uncomfortably as i

turned his back to me as he walked

is back was turned to me before making my way to the door. I opened


on drugs. I quickly showered and put on a new pair of clothes which was a black skinny jean with a white cropped top. On my way

elt bad about it because she was all alone. She was diagnosed withAcute Lymphoblastic

have been saving and hopefully, before the ending o

re close to the hospital and

the hospital and gree

m smile on her face. I gave her a small

little sister's room. She was sitting with h

it was me. "Amanda" She mumbled dropping the

s as she opened her hands like that of a bi

hat and kissed it Ani giggled and pushed me

a smile and I knew what she wa

her ask the question. Ani kn

bout her children but yet, she keeps on as

ongue against the roof of my mouth. I had to tell

sn't c

smile. I moved from her bed and

and Ani beamed at me and added it to her growing collections of stuffed toys. Ev

e here but the smile I see on my little sisters face whenever

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