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Red Riding Jack

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1034    |    Released on: 26/10/2023

en had sex, and I could feel the urge for a good fuck

fucked me good. The sound of a hand smacking the counter snap

while preparing her coffee. When the lady was gone, I lazily looked at the clock ha

rlie mocked as he came through the back door

would walk through that door," I

ed, coming up to the counter and

k. "You know me too well, Charlie," I j

r small apartment, I was hit with the stale smell of alcohol and cigarettes. Mom was passed out on the floor,

empty bottle. I gulped, walking up to her. She was never like this, but when d

he had fallen back asleep. I looked at her for a few seconds, and my lips turned down. I co

d while pulling her up to her feet. I puffed o

led out my favorite red dress. It hugged my curves

z. As I looked at myself in the mirror, my smile slowly

k, grabbed my black coat, and called a cab. As I dropped at the

I smirked. "Well, I'm here now!" I laughed

umbs up and walked in. I felt the bass vibrating through my b

tool and scanned the room,

please," I smiled at th

lim man putting on a grey suit

barman, tapping his key on the wood, and

sted on my chest with a smirk. He looked at my face and

pun, and I gasped when he was sta

e trailed off my l

brow. "Who said she was?" The man scoffed a

ower lips clenched from hearing hi

torso. "What was that for?" I questioned, and he smirked and r

er man look at you like he wants to fuck you," h

fed. "What we had was a one-night stand, Jack," I rolled my eyes

ncess, all I could think about was how good it felt to have you riding me, and every day...." He trailed

closer to mine. His hot breath fanned my cheek.

, and fuck! It was so weird that I missed

t attached, and that was what I would do. I just need t

gave him a smirk. "

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