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Kiba Awakening

Chapter 4 Broken Memories we see our team of friends

Word Count: 4923    |    Released on: 23/10/2023

o had just recovered was snatched before them and nobody could do anything to avoid it ... they fel

gaze was on the horizon, as if meditating on what happe

y punishment that is imposed on me -He lowers his gaze- But before that please allow me to go

eotopia) and we see that he is descending in front of Damian ... and the air disperses ... when this happens we see the Amir Gaoul standing in front of the reddish-haired boy, this one had a diff

gh I have tried it, it is something that could not be c

n (with the exception of Tasker, of course) Although Damián did not flinch, it

riend and I can't stay here doing nothing, s

but you will on

h anger- How DARE YOU TE

ill want to go, Zed is important to

ou are not even a Shard Caster, you will n

ow do you

ng but hinder during the combat, you cou

which would take them to the dark land of Task, Damian quick

: Da

right, our presence can only hinder the

d something wil

me why those people came for Zed, and above all ... How can I become a Shard Cas

n his wrists we see chains that are anchored to the ground ... There were four people around him ... one of them was Hiromi and Zadock, t

he blessed child, the one who was chos

m a glass of wine- Wh

used the boy to get tired ... I dare say that the Amir Gaoul was not the same as before, hi

t any moment, I have given the order to attack al

against its creator in that way cannot be forgiven, if it were not ne

opens his eyes and begins to see what is around him, in this case

where am I, an

of us, you are in Task and we are the new council of this

chair, but realizes that he is ch

ng in the place that corresponds to you -He says this pointing to the Throne that was behind

prised to see that throne and those statues representing th

ght? We think it would be to

I'm gonna stay here, I'm not Tasker a

d you will stay here with

is to stay in the land where

you that I'm not T

you returned one with the fusion of the Key spi

y past

ere Amir Gaoul and Damián, who had finally reached the floating country, they w

to you and that I am a simple servant of yours, will we really go to the castle to look for that child? If I wer I let him die, totally you

his face showed the displeasure t

limit, or do you really care about this child? You should have

: No, he i

the direction of the castle, Damian looks at him ... s

boy do not blind you and avoid doing the rig

and start follo

e in Tem

house of the last one, they were sitting in the di

rred to Zed as "the chosen one", bec

Zed has faced many things in his life before, but that certain

e to protect us, but who wi

become that thing tha you call Shard Caster an

oming Shard Caster does not guarantee that you can dominate a spirit, you must be very strong, physically as wel

take the risk i

so from Calm and I have known Zed since he

ct that ... -he turns to see the sky through the


ere children ... He doesn't remember it, otherwi

I don'

her, he was so fragile when he arrived at the orphanage, he was a baby and I immediately took care of him, his smile was very warm -

: I s

They took me out of the city of Calm, I lived in another region, therefore, I could not go visit him even if I wanted to, they changed my name to Elliot, before he used to

d you run in

staurant but at the same time I started my search, to my surprise there was a notice that the boy was missing and well that gave me a lot of discouragement and had considered leaving again,

mazing, what a

d is with those weird guys, who knows what can happen to him, that's why I

ng to T

spirit seeing the castle

y guards in there, how do you plan to ent

an't find an entry,

sk? - He says this

to the Taskan Cas

ime you have appeared in this world, you

nonsense d

at being told you ... the one who

gaze- I don't know wh

remember what happened inside the spirit or

blocked those memories fro

protect him

sted and walks towards Zed- I will help you remember everything, what happened to God and much more- He comes in front of him and with his hands

ace- What the hell is wrong with you? Do

tion, I just couldn't help it - A dark aura appears

iromi puts one of his hands on Zed's forehead and the other on his chest ... w

in- What... what a

up resistance it

of me... you

e hair and blue eyes next to his little self, then the scene changes seeing him in his first encounter with the Amir Gaoul, then he changes to the Neotopia war when he fought with Hugh, when he fought with Noah in Task to avoid that he se

human being ... your power will destroy everything and c

nd and will, becoming one with him and surrendering all that power, causing the boy to be bent by the sensation of t

it ... he began to feel that ecstasy once agai

this? What is

ck to the

ill do this Hiromi, th

... the boy has fina

r, which when seeing that Zadock had the boy in his arms, launches himself towards him and punches him, which makes to

ntly we arrive

me to my humble palace - throw Shards of fire aga

to attack him by the sword, but the boy

the boy had in his arms at once, while noticing that the boy is in

can take him


im about certain things and since w

against the officers in front of him, one of the feathers mana

Gaoul now that we can, entering a bat

cil in front of them, in his gaze you could see the anger that it co

e the castle well-guarded? Wh

the boy will return on his o

w are you

rds the exit, laughs mercilessly,

will see - K

ith bewilderment- Tha

ck to Te

hen quietly, Noah and Roya are withdrawn fr

to Zed again, isn't he great?

mething that does

hat do

at, Roya ... I know Zed and he is a person w

o you t

s Roya's gaze- I have a

you know that children tend to forget everythi


whom Zed has shared a lot, or maybe it is

to call another as his best friend, I wouldn't oppose him, since I failed him in the past, I hurt him, I s

u ... he said that you were trapped under the spell of the Ke

he suffered from many deficiencies, he always struggled to keep going, even thou

I remember, apparently his fat

hat do

more about him, that day was the last time he was in Templar before the resurrection from Tasker, from there he traveled to Task, and I had to go look for him

's father wa

d to this land, The Winged man lays the boy on the ground, observes the state of the

have they don

wrapped in a yellow aura, suddenly the boy's breathing be

what are you

l: Hide y

gs- Oh ... it's true- He laughs and these

in ... he saw the subjects that were in front of him ... but he is surprised to see th

ord Zed ... h

- What? -looks around- What ha

ied to manipulate y

with amazement- Did

let's get

hat portal, Zed continues to stare at the spirit from the surprise of his words ... Amir Gaoul also stares a

was bleeding from the wound caused by that s

or that boy if you were just going to let

t that time ... also that he was accompanied by someone with wh

t to him? I did not

, and he will bring us many problems, but I don't understand what he was doing next to

he really

ate that demon at all costs, but I

l ... what

s to Zadock and smirks- Everyt

d and turns to look towards the windows in fr

ally have to deal with him? Who will

nd him ... it was that masked man, who simply handled himself in sil

had not seen him ..

Jimoto and kept going ... turned into a

I must be extremely

om this comes Damián first, then comes the Amir Gaoul who carried the white-haired bo

't like being in this positio

making scandal now?

what to do ... and

rs him from his shoulder, as he does this t


ne- this is not my concern at all - When he says this, such a dee

h a strange face, then he turns to see being in

, he looked upset, worried and tired at the

rest right now, your

e reason why I couldn't remember about T

emember -He approaches to the boy- Now d

at did

the ground, in his hand that yellow aura reappears and tries

ruggles with in the spirit- I do

it's for your own good ... don't f


bad movement and manages to take both hands of Zed and imposes force on them so that h

o forget it, I don't ... I don't want

little by little he feels weak ... his bod

t do it,

r it ... but you asked me in the past ... If I leave you with it once mo

In ..

onscious ... the spirit kept sealing

ut I must protect

head, but caresses his face for a few sec

my best so that yours pure soul will not be cor

arms and flies out of the

n watching t

hat way he will not be able to do it in case the worst happens, you must be carefu

hard you try to avoid him, and wh

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