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Kiba Awakening

Chapter 2 Epiphany

Word Count: 4563    |    Released on: 23/10/2023

as, and he sees her crying inconsolably, s

ee him, I still want to do it too, but Sebastián is

ve him here, I was always there for him, and

any problem, he will be able to overcome it - he

t leads to the entrance to the castle ... As they are about to

allowed to enter the castle just like

e time to talk with y

re not interest

no other choice,

hat ... Did

his hand and throws them at the so

body Damián, I don't wa

nch a Shard which contained a spirit, this was a W

r 2: N

Zed, cal

Shard and summons Rambos,

irits battling among the

those things? Where did you br

launches himself to Attack the group of our heroes, Zed uses a shield to cover hims

eir way to Mikki's bakery when they hear the

t the hel

he castle ... Are we un

at shoul

d out what's going on- Run a

... Wait, it's

ng to Noah's warning, on the other han

what are you going to do? Damian, Bec

is heard in the

t them

s nothing less than Sebastia

he reasons for all

he turns it around to see the white-haired man. Zed enters the

ding to the boy begins to move taking the act

leaving Sebastian behind,

ed prisoner or something similar ... UNDERSTOOD? Don't le

heads in obedience, and Sebas

Master Sebastian make

erson who beat Tasker was among thos

er 1:

he is very agitated by

ing? A roar came from here,

othing happe

ed and made a little scandal,

by the previous battle- Well, that escape has to be a high-rank

that could be handl

ation- Well, with permission -She tries to acce

you can't make it to t

t? If this i

uctions not to let peopl

pening here, and I won't leave

s and tries to enter, but a

You don't


calm down - We see the black-haired man

But No

must help Mikki to take the

the castle and th

Zed he was Renovated, there was a new spirit statue, this time it was more like his form acquired during the w

ere exact

? -He says this while staring at

located on his body- Get closer to the statue ... Master Zed - The whi

room- What do you thi

orders of the Great Amir Goul; Seb

m one moment to another and then you go back to make a w

here by force, I don't know what he m

in front of him and begins to walk tow

is very strong and at the same time so weak ... it is ... it is

ld go, at the height of his chest, suddenly from the Shard begins to emit a light which for a moment cuts off Zed's sight ... when the boy manages to open his eyes he sees himself surrounded by

had to stay the Calm? What should not return? If so ... why did you bring me back? I know perfectly well that you can answer me, I don't want mysteries this time, the first time I

this, a drastic change of scenery is made… Zed was outside the castle, but

... what

rch of the person who emitted it, upon finding him his surprise was a lot ... It was Eliot crawling on the groun

o betray you ... I put everyone against you and that w

wearing characteristic Task clothes, but he was o

of you ... NOW YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY- That being said, it goe


he could not believe what he saw ... it was ... It was himself!, but the other Zed at the sa

happening here?

was staring at the Zed next to him ... Then he turned to see the Zed that was in front of them ... He takes out one of his wings and launches hims

ou don't open your eyes and

was no longer in the Amir Goul shrine, he was in a bed,

happened? What

up and leaves the room where he was, and enters a living room, w

, a lot has happened sin

t happen

you got tired and passed out almost instantly, so we brought y


own ... he is next to Damián in another room, I will gladly take you

ome qu

eling good about having a

have anoth

st of the council in the room whe

of being your pawn, I must always be t

bligation to be the

s, I will not participa

regard, but your collaboration is necessary

an important party in a few hours, and I w

n and Zed ente

already woken up and

uncil stare at the boy, he w

een a long time since I last saw you ... you have grown up - He sees him from head to

nue without changing, you are s

a smile on his face- Today there will be a party at my house, if you like you can

d of mine who came with me, other t

e still the s

ut we must start with you Zed, if

ink about it, you can have fun, and if you find yo


ly in Templar, and we as a council are v

is world ... But you disappeared that day and we did not know more about you, nobody knew of your whereabouts, we could not l

remember that you are a wise man

ith a good time… You have an id

the position

d and is the source of power for the Shards that we humans use, either for good or for evil, you see ... Until now Tasker was a legend, we did not know exactly who he was, even now we can

t have anyt

d to kill us a long time ago by obtaining the power of Tasker, you went craz

u pretenfing- He looks at the Neotopian- Do you imply that I am up to something specif

laimed the Amir Goul as yours again? Since

t feel it inside me, besides I was brought to him against my will, the

boy, it has been a tired day for h

at you don't want to participate in a new fight, but Task and Jimoto have started to move in a certain way Strange lately, we as the country of Templar will

ally stopped despite wh

dangerous movements, ther

ought into this world and made my home, therefore I will

e glad to h

se round making the delivery of the

our purchase, the bread is fresh

ou for being as

obes egomaniac, approachin

és, it is a plea

afternoon M

already been made, so

ou - he stands in front of the guys- How about you come to my party to

ery kind of yo

Zed too, I invited him saying that his presence wo

ah and Ro

uiet, why didn't they tell

not here ... Could it be that h

not confuse him with someone else ... I saw him in the castle, in the council of sage's room, he

obés, aren't y

nd I must admit that he looks very good, if I were a woman I would have melted at that moment- He says t

ys waiting for, let's

nd start down the steps from the fro

ter Robés, really ..

he says this with

e rest of the sages continue in the

me what you felt when you were absorbed by Tasker? when

: W

Describe it, I

m curious

lly don't

: What do

d responding on its own , in my mind I was blank and I only felt that Amir Goul was calling me, that I was joining Tasker, and I was absorbed by him, from there I only remember voices, but I don't remember

án: Oh

inside, everything is clear before he will enter Tasker and later when I was released, my fight together with the Amir Goul

e: I don't be

at did

onvenient that you say that you do not remember what happen

accusations like that, his defe

it is possible that we are facing a demon and you are as

f something like that, I'm not that k

are still a foreigner who caused many problems for Templar ...

u're going so

15,000 ZED, only 15,000 people died in the temple, n

t the Neotopian, on her face was an e

t of control. This is ho

otecting this boy along with Sebastián and Zico at his time

geous -Take Zed by the arm-

5,000 deaths only in Templar, which will have been from the rest of the countries ... He knew that Noah

bout what happened during the mee

what that sage says ?, ab

Zed ..

l it do you to know? Lea

pain and sadness, but at the same time it triggered nervousness, at the same time he took

alm down, you're

ya and Mikki are heard approachi

runs to get out of the hallway quickly- M

but to her surprise she meets the Scene

all, And they are amazed by what

ed… Dro

immediately turns to see the group that was in front of him, but on

you will tell

What truth do

s ... y

but Sebastián takes him from behind with force t

n, recover your composur

wrong with you?

he has entered a


do you mean Zed,

d be for you to leave now, this


han, I won't leav

hat truth do

white-haired boy- React, yo

tomach, leaving him breathless and forcing him to release him, t


react… you'

LL ME - That being said, the boy begins

u're hyperventilati

d that, he begins to feel a pressure in

are you f

o you



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