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The Girl of the Golden West

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 5162    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

n who wanted to

to tell her that the handsome caballero, with whom she had ridden on that never-to-be-forgotten day on the Monterey road, was standing before her. That his attire now, as might be expected, was wholly different from wha

wdy do,

of recognition that he flashed upon her wholly escaped the Sheriff whose attitude was indicative

strangers here," he

much he resented an attempt to interfere in a matter which he believed concerned himself solely, to regret the provocation and challenging words of his entrance if only because of a realisation that a quarrel would be likely to upset his plans. On the other hand, with every fraction of a second that passed he was conscious of becoming more and more desirous of humbling the

o wanted water

ded reprovingly: "Oh, Nick, this gentl

ght the world was coming to an end. He did not accept the Girl's ultimatum until he h

at's come

steps nearer the

thing," he said impressively. "But pardon

r and her chin in her hands, and ans


t upon himself to explain matte

he Girl who r

of puzzled consternation; h


Girl with a merry

n's fa

self. Of all places to have chosen-this!

tion. Regret came swiftly that he had not thought to inquire who was the owner of The Polka Saloon. Bitterly he cursed himself for his dense stupidity. And yet, it was doubtful whether any of his band could have informed him. All that they knew of the place was that the miners of Cloudy Mountain Camp were said t

eeper said-" he began, and then add

om the Girl to the speak

Crossing." And turning his back on the man h

Polka," she said, and to his astonish

ut interruption. For, Rance, as if revolving some plan of action in his mind, had turned on his heel and walk

s remark having passed unheeded by the other, he sneered: "Perhaps you're off the ro

!" protest

pped in to rest his horse and, perhaps, if invited, try his luck at a game of cards. And with this

lowed up the stranger until he b

led, coolly impudent. "I haven

l with a cynical laugh

e up the man, throwing do

nd, apparently, trying to relieve the s

nto," he fin

anner as before; then, quickly coming out from behind th

w you, Mr. Johns

wed low ov

u," he sa

egan Rance, fumin

shed him lightly out of her way; then, perching herself up on one en

, do you know wha

nly, while Rance's eyes b

book." And then before Johnson could answer her, sh

tion," Johnson to

servation. The next instant, however, she jumped down from the table and was back at her post, where

d, rising, and foll

e house-my

lighted for him; then, when his cigar was going, and in a voice t

returned the Girl, l

red Rance to himself as he stole a glance at them ove

d to Monterey," said

a over the wheel; you also asked me to go a-berryin'-" and here she paused long enou

," observed Joh

ptly and replaced the candle on the bar; then with a shy,

hnson. "I said I'll think of you all the

ment of embarr

he paused and summoned to her face a look which she believed would adequately reflect a knowled

agent, which contention so satisfied the Girl-for she remembered only too well that

bottle here-best in t


inish his sentence, but quickly pl

ts," she whis

eturned the road agent, and

tinued, he grew more and more jealous, and at the moment that Johnson was on the point of putting the gla

h it fell t

sive! My name is Rance-Jack Rance. Your business here-your business?" And withou

from the dance-hall; in an instant the good-natured, roistering crowd, nosing a fight, cr

eaving Johnson's face, "there's a man here wh

a, blusteringly. "Well,

on. Quick as thought she turned and strode to where the cries were the most me

holding up her hand author

ous glances; from all side

hat? You

now to Rance with a swift change of manner, sh

started as

holy!" he muttered between his teeth

Girl with a simple and unconscious dignity that did not fail


there ensued an outburst of cheering compared to

-curious, half-amused look at the crowd surrounding him and regarding him with a new interest. Appar

re you

hion: every man in the place, save Rance, taking off his hat a

o, Jo

ed Sonora with a mocking smile on his lips, and glo

tle too far with their badgering of the Sheriff, considering the mood that he was in

The Ridge invites yo

a distinct declaration of peace; and, taking advantage of it, Johnson

the honour

Johnson's "style," Happy and Handsome stood staring he

t he? But say, kind o' presumin' like, ain't it, for a fellow breathin' the ob

not to say humiliatin' state o' things." And then to the

irl l

wering Johnson at last. "Oh, I

t his tall figure to

the pleasure of

astonishment. After giving vent to a grunt

llow's t

hold of the Girl, thoug

d o' foolish, you know, kind o'

led in spit

he again advanced and offered his arm

somehow-" She stopped, and fixing her eyes recklessly on Rance, made a movement as if about to accept; but another look at Johnson'

back no longer, she suddenly flung herself

r off to the dance-hall where their appearance was greeted with a succession of wild whoops

in a rage Rance bega

hnson! Well, I'll be-" The sentence was never finished, his attention being

?" he demand

re twinkling w

on's s

ith a sweep of his long arm he knocked t

walk out of this door and neve

his patronage, which was not inconsiderable, go elsewhere without making an effort to hold it. The

e! She's only a-kiddin' 'im,"

estion this when a loud cry

asked with his e

Rance, as well as the men who, on hearing the cry, had rushed in from the dance-hall, he opened

he was sayi

ing along with him the unfortunate Jose Castro. The rough handling that he had received had not improved his appearance. His clothing, half Mexican, the rest of odds and ends,

morphosed. His hat was on the back of his head; his coat looked as if he had been engaged in some kind of a struggle; his h

he saloon had come in and were crowding ar

his glass, having left his prisoner for a mom

d and, with rough hands, jerke

id, "give us a lo

!" the Deputy and Billy Jackrabbit took a lariat from the wall and proceeded to bind their


y Sonora, apparently, seeming disinclined to accept, which A

iend, don't

most inconsiderate on his part of the feelings of others; and, the

shby, I'm with

the men moved away from him to take their drinks he started violently and an expression of dis

e bar half-turned towards the noise. The prisoner's eyes followed their gaze and a fiendish grin replaced the look of dismay on his face. "No, he is there da

e was Ashby's who, together with the others, now

en he added with a show of pride:

e at Monterey! Why do y

d from him they returned to the prisoner, most of the men giving vent to exclamations of anger in tones that m

-you bet! Why do

e an air of cando

Sheriff I know wh

on the prison

raising his hand to check the angry mutterin

y Mexican vaquero-my friend Peralta, Weele

and shot a fing

is accusation to take the man off his guard, it was eminently unsuccessful

Se?or S

ent; suddenly, then,

is Ashby. He is the man that pays out that reward you've heard of." Then after

prisoner bec

by the soul of my mother, the blessed Maria

?" repeated R

looked in

Sonora, but Rance

is this

yada," was the grea

e the bear-skin curtain and was gazing with mouth

es of "Shut up! Git!" the men made for the intruder and bodily threw him out o

he Mexican, gaining confidence as he went on, "if

y and asked him what

. "But it certainly is curious. This is the second warning-inti

tore?a-you say she is


tained, "I wouldn't go. Better

ed Sonora, who had been listenin

decisively. It was with not a little surprise that he heard the shouts

and saddles, while from all sides came the cries

to get the men started by setting up the drinks

boys; I don't like

m proceeding to make ready for the road agent's capture. In an incredibly short space of time they had loaded up and got their horses togethe

t!" sung out Trinidad, go

called back to the greaser: "Come on, you oily, garlic-ea

sly from the Deputy, now untying

eeth were chatt


ld him to give the man a drin

r eye on him a mome

rding the Mexican with a c

ll you

to his feet and b

, he shot a glance at the dance-hall and called out loudly, rolling his r's eve

ious that there was something in the gr

he knew for a certainty that his v

d the road agent, coming quickly, but unconcern

onsibility ceased in a measure. He turned and gave his attention to matters pertaining to the bar. As a consequence, he did no

" came in whispered

me likewise in whispered

ccording to your bidd

ch he afterwards laid on the faro table. It was while he was thus engaged that Nick c


from the dance-hail called som

made for the bar. But before acceding to their wishes, he turned to Johnson, took out his

s pistol by touching his own holster significantly. "Tell the

le barkeeper turned to him and confided: "S

ecated the

Nick. "Drop in o

e other went out of the room l

go on," he said, w

lead the Sheriff far off-then I will slip away. You quietly ro

road agent st

topped on seeing that Nick had r

rything's all right,"

eing made for his capture: the red torchlights and white candle-lighted lanterns which were reflected through the windows; and a moment more he h

light you must be s

shook his hea

we ra

s visibly

hundred men o

on sm

start of the dev

r her terribly. She is close at hand-knowing all,

ina, like you, loves the sp

two men, which was broke

ng the gre

ered the loud voi

the miners were coming through the door for him and stood waiting, torches in hand, he contri

hispered t

multaneously with the approa

happy voice floated in on them fr

good-night! Remembe

russed the men, while the Deputy, grabbing the M

d by the sound of horses grunting as they sprang forward into the darkness in a desperate effort to escape the maddening pain of the descending quirts and cruel spurs. It was a scene to set the blood racing through the veins, viewed in any light; and

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