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The Girl of the Golden West

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 5523    |    Released on: 30/11/2017


the blood and rou

ene lamps; the fireplace with its huge logs blazing and roaring; the faro tables with the little rings of miners around them; and the long, pine bar behind

transforming as it unquestionably did an ordinary saloon into a veritable haven of

esticity. Nothing that could insure the comfort for her patrons was omitted. Nothin

he night wa

ny were waiting arrived. Clear above the babel of voices sounded a chord, and the poo

ladies si

a! D

ce track fiv


distance; but no sooner did the chorus, which had been taken up, to a man, by the motley crowd and was rip-roaring along at a great rate, reach the second line than t

approach of the foe; while all present, after listening contemptuously to a series of wild and unearthly yells which announced an immediate arrival, sp

nces of war, judging from past performances, far outnumbered those of peace. But as often happens in affairs of this kind when neither side is unprepared, the desire for gun-

ng figures of their sworn enemies; but almost in as little time as it takes to tell it there was a tumultuous lining up at the bar, the fla

o run al

o run a

ey on a bo

bet on

dsome Charlie and Happy Halliday, and had been arguing in a maudlin fashion over the relative merits of Spanish and American beauties. The moment the song was concluded they banged their glasses significantly on the bar; but since it was an unbroken rule of the house that at the close of the musician's performance he should be rewarded by a drink, whic

t a table on one side of the room. Apparently, both were losing steadily to the dealer whose chair, placed up against the pine-boarded wall, was slightly raised above the floor. This las

ght do?" Sonora now asked,


with the hide," retur

ny times did it win

was the case-k

scarf-pin which flashed from his vivid red tie. Furthermore, he possessed a watch,-a large, brassy-looking article,-which he brought out on every possible occasion. When not engaged in helping himself to the dregs that remained in the g

wo dolla' Mexican chip," he

in from the dance-hall. The tune seemed to have an unusually exhilarating effect on Happy Halliday, for letting out a series of whoops he staggered

g or die

ce, which might be interpreted as one of envy at his friend's exuberant condition; at all e

gainst the boys. In fact, so much so, that there was a dange

bolier Sid, yo

oved Trinidad,

ips, Aus

sult was intended. So he gathered in Trinidad's money and gave him chips in return. For some seconds the men played on without anything disturbing the game except the loud voice of the caller of the wheel-of-fortune in the dance-hall. Bu

hat left no doubt in the minds of his friends th

t fol

appy, deeply humiliated at his failure to

matter, inquired what the trouble was about; and even Nick, picking up his tray filled with glasses and a

y going behind the bar and lifting from a box four cigars which he stowed away in his pockets. But even that, apparently did not satisfy him, for when he espied

gave every evidence of age as did his clothes which, nevertheless, were neat. His face wore a mild, gentle look and would have said that he was companionable enough; yet it was impossible

ength he went over to the counter and took a sheet or two of the paper,-which was kept there for the few who desired to write home,-a quill-pen and ink; and p

e star n

ve no sign whatever of having heard it; nor did he see the suspicious glance which Nick, entering at that moment, shot at Billy Jackrabbit who was stealing noiselessly towards the dance-h

apologetically, and took up a position at the end of

in his seat at the faro table and shot a glance towards the dance-hall. Contempt showed on his ru

ay, Trin, I want a feminine piece of flesh an' blood"-he

if laconic pal, on feeling the

when it came to nice discriminations of this sort. His reference to an article of feminine apparel, however, was responsible for his recalling the fact that he had not as yet received hi

d anythin' about

of the sole "biled shirt" in the camp,-and what with his red flannel undershirt that extended far below the line of his cuffs, his brilliantly-coloured waistcoat and tie, and his hair combed down very low in a cow-lick over his forehead, he was indeed an odd little figure of a man as he listened patiently to the boys' grievances and doled out sympathy to them. On the other hand, absolutely devoted to the fair proprietress of the salo

nce," asseverated Nick, drop

is broad chest and held his head proudly; and

hands and drin

faro table; and when, in due course, he served the concoctions and passed around the high-priced cigars, there was a smile on hi

next moment two Ridge boys, dancing together, waltzed through the opening between the two rooms and, letting out ear-piercing whoops

resentment at this boisterous intrusion of the men from the rival camp, the smooth, oily and inviting voice of the u

'ow's things

reply that instantly brought every man at the faro table to his feet. For a time, at lea

losive, "What!" with a suggestive movement towards his hip. But quick as he was Nick was still quic

es some comparatively mild words which gave the would-be combatants to understand that any suc

h a successful disturbance they wisely yielded to superior quickness at the draw. With a whoop of resignation they rushed back to the dance-hall where the voice of the

first partner swing with the right-hand gent; first partner swing with t

to the dealer for "a slug's worth of chips"-a request that was promptly acceded to. But they

or the

or the

or the

l all ta

r the w

nce it was to act as master of ceremonies; and coming forward as the singer emerged from the

Wallace the Camp favour-ite!" he s

led at the Minstrel who, robed in a long linen duster, his face half-blacked, and banjo in hand,

latform-a musician's stand-at one end of the bar; nor could there be any question about his being a prudent one, for the musician did not seat himself until he had carefully examined the she

e Little-'," announced the Minstrel with

cut in Sonora, impatiently f

iescence to the request a

d Trinidad in a low voice, taking advantag

e room to see if anyone was listening; at l

t chance, Trin; I ga

fairly beam

arkeeper's face wore an expression of pleasure not a whit less than that of the

himself the Minstrel struck a c

Home'!" He cleared his throat, and the n

ten do I

olks down

onder if the

gel mothe

there I

og Tray re-

put the ink-bottle back on the bar, opened a cigar-box there and took from it a stamp, which he put on his letter. This he carried to a mail-box att

odious voice and he gasped audibly; whereupon, Nick came to his relief with a stiff drink which, ap

chorus was taken up by all, the singers


n-gel mother,

e lit-tle cotta




n would sh

hem days

og Tray re-



been steadily growing more and more disconsolate; and when Sonora rumbled out the l

ound. But it was Sonora who, affected both by the pathos of the song and the sight of

matter?" he asked, a thousand thoughts flutter

s about his eyes deepening, struggled to control himself. At last, after

ngers opening and closing spasmodically, and for a moment it seemed as if he could not continue-a

n the fields again; I want to see the grain growin'; I want the dirt in the furrows at home; I want old Pensylvan

-gel mother, ar


tter nodded understandingly at the same time that Nick, apparently indifferent to Larkin's collapse, began to dance a jig behind the bar. A look of scowling reproach instantly appeared on Sonora's f

' back East," announced Sonora. "C

they, as well as the men who were not playing cards, threw their money into the hat which S

e, Jim," he

med eyes at Sonora he struggled for words with which to express his gratitude, but they refused to come; and a

moment he

unfortunate man had gone ten paces from The Polka, for then it was that Trinidad suddenly ro

at ain't a square de

through the door save Nick, who was returning from the dance-hall with a tray of empty glasses. But whether or not he was aware that the Australian's confederate was bent upon running away he made no attempt to stop him, for in common with every man present, includ

or sanction at the newcomer, who stood in the

pon the table a deck of cards which he had found co

, the infernal, good

ore he shot a questioning look at the man, wh

rinidad, pulling at

don't, don't!" wailed The S

's office, raised his steely grey eyes inquisitorially to

ken l

d Trinidad, at the same time drag

unate wretch, struggling useless

nzaneta County took a hand in t

stopped short and seem

were thin and drawn tightly over brilliantly-white teeth; and his soft, pale hands were almost feminine looking except for the unusual length of his fingers. On his head was a black beaver hat with a straight brim; a black broadcloth suit-cut after the "'Frisco" fashion of the day-gave every evidence that its owner paid not a little attention to it. From the bosom of his white, puffed shirt an enormous diamond, held in place by side gold chains, flashed forth; while glittering on his fingers was a

ou, Jack Rance," sudd

ave the Australian a rough shake, he added:

ng from his pocket a smoothly-creased handkerchief he proceeded to dust languidly first one and then the other of his

the cyards?" he now began in

ted to the

hich was responsible for a renewal of outcries and c

ignificant hand

But on seeing the Sheriff raise a restraining h

e!" commanded

ile the railing was ornamented with a wildcat's skin and a stuffed fawn's head; from the ceiling with its strings of red peppers, onions and apples they fell on a stuffed grizzly bear, which stood at the entrance to the dance-hall, with a little green parasol in its paw and an old silk hat upon its head; from it they shifted to the gaudy bar with its paraphernalia of fancy glasses, show-cas

le, perhaps, would have believed. Nevertheless, at the thought that this placard inspired, he dismi

Manzaneta County, that I'm running four games. But it's men like The Sidney Duck here that casts reflections on square-minded, sporting

ffirmed Nick

med Sonora, addressing the prisone

ing 'im up!" u

s ejaculation, contriving, at last,

Sheriff would

r all, gents, what's death? A kick and you're off;" and then w

order, Handsome, reluctantly, as

here," the Sher

he was firmly held into it, Rance strolled nonchalantly over to the faro table and picked out a card from the deck the

e camp, and he never plays cyards again-see?" And while the men, awed to silence, st

t! Don't si that!" baw

ace in the camp records. Albeit, in those seconds, and while the men were engrossed in the agreeable task of ejecting The Sidney Duck, The Polka harbou

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