ve him here by himself? What if he gets sick and throws up or goes into shock? He's unconscious! So
night and take care of him. You would know what to do if something went wrong. And
op everything and hang out overnight in a secluded cabin with a criminal she didn't know? Yeah right, like that
I did what you asked because it was an emergency situation. I fixed his wound and stitched him up. Any ot
g that dog and bringing him in, but come on. This is crazy. You've crossed so far over the line here
do. That's why I'm willing to make it worth your while. Have you hear
if motorcycle gang charity drives were scams. Or at the very least if the gangs
cally it's a goodwill gesture on our part for the community. So I have a proposition for you. What if we
much more interested. "How much money
go in your center. Last year we wrote a check to the c
ation center was currently funded solely by donations and by her vet practice that shared the same building. There were ti
a huge outdoor aviary for the orphaned and injured raptors that came in every year. Plus the money might even cover th
cle gang up to their necks in illegal activities. On the other hand, the money wou
animals were concerned. And this time, like every other time, no matter the co
I'll stay," she said firml
way when he wasn't looking so strained with worry. Though he was not nearly as devilishly good-lo
int needs to stay here where he is safe and
of the animals, but I'll need to be back at work on Monday morning. Three nights at the absolute maximum and that's it. No more
Thank you so much, Dr. Shaw. You don't know
ed. "I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for the wildlife clinic. As long as you come th
y word is good,
il it out of here, I need you t
going to come up here looking for him? If they knew your route befo
ide our club knows about it. You'll both be safe here, I promise
s existed in real life but then again, she didn't make it a
u need to know. Trust me, the least you know
bt," sh
d roared off in single file. She waited until they were out of sight before walking back to her truck. After
find Flint. In any case, the pistol made her feel a little safer. On
and locked the door behind her. After placing both guns on a table by the door, s