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The forsaken moon

Chapter 3 Shadows of betrayal

Word Count: 1209    |    Released on: 27/10/2023

ckled with pressure as the wolves patrolled their home, their senses alert for any signs of a ne

till, amidst the tranquility of their home, a sinister force was at play. Far down, in the depths of the

nted with nastiness as she incubated her unlawful plan. Unknown to the Crescent Moon Pack, Seraphina had gathered a group of

e now clouded with a thirst for power. Under Seraphina’s guidance, the mischief pack honed their chops in closeness, staying for the o

s against one another. The first phase of Seraphina’s plan involved insinuating the pack, gaining the trust of its members,

d. Kaden, his address fascinating and unpretentious, approached the pack with a precisely drafted story of difficulty and survival. Al

s turned into weeks, Kaden gained the trust of the pack, his friendly address and amenability to advance a helping hand endearing him to

le, Seraphina continued her colluding from the murk, her eyes fixed on Alaina and Elias. She knew that their love for each other was their topmost strength, but it

istories, seeking to exhume secrets that could shatter their trust in one another. The intelligencers, silent and fugi

fragile under the weight of suspicion. Alaina, her instincts sharp, tasted the presence of deception in their mid

tfulness that imaged her own. The bond they had shared, once an unbreakable thread that bound their hearts, now sounded rasped, its

ould be the very thing that led to their downfall. Unknown to Alaina, Kaden watched her from the murk, his eyes cold and cal

as working, the Crescent Moon Pack’s trust in one another slowly eroding. The stage was set for Seraphina’s grand scheme to

hanging to consume the true substance of their orchestration. Little did they know that the true test of their strength and l

eir leadership. Seraphina, the tunesmith of the pack's suffering, stood recalcitrant, her eyes fiery with wicked satisfaction.

tion." Your schemes end also," she declared, her voice cutting through the crease of fire. Elias, his strength unwavering, stood by Alaina’

hrough the night, revealing a prophecy that spoke of fortune and a power yet to be unleashed. As the words of the prophecy echoed in th

of the Crescent Moon Pack was intertwined with ancient forces, and they were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead. With a silent pledge, they turned back to their packm

And so, beneath the watchful aspect of the moon, the Crescent Moon Pack stood united, their spirits unbrea

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