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I Was Called His

Chapter 2 1

Word Count: 975    |    Released on: 01/11/2023


ugh it is air-conditioned. I haven't eaten anything, fearing the feeling of v

. Frankly, it doesn't matter. This stupid seatbelt isn't gonna help me. I

am. " A gorgeous air hostes

she did it instantly. I'm feeling s

" I smile, loo

. " She smiles and walks a

under my breath. Why can't she get her wedding functions done in India? I put my head


n yea


ds. I was away from my bestie, in Mumbai. I grabbed a black pin from my pink handbag and used it to hold my hair in place. On my last birthday, she g

s murky but it was splendid. After all, I was seeing the sea for the first time. I hadn't felt so happy

white t-shirt, black trousers, and a black cap. He had brown skin a

u for two days. " My cousin

at her with a slight smile, "I don'

e nudged my shoulder. She wanted me to gaze in his d

that I noticed. It was weird but I found his

ARNAV! But h

ound, Neither he nor I purchased this place. He stopped one long step away from me with a huge grin on his face. Fo

er talked to a boy outside of my family before. I didn't even know

"No! " H

me. He went away. I was sad because he was sad. I liked his eyes.



dn't celebrate my birthday or any special occasions in my life. But I attended the pa

ifornia. My phone rang in my hand. I pressed my lips in a straight

asked her. I didn't want to go out of my cage.

coming here. I thought time will heal your wounds. "I could feel her sadness and con

one's pity. I chose to be like this, live li

l everything. You can congratulate her from

to hurt her feelings but I just needed to be alon

his. Your luggage has been packed. You are coming with or without your desire. I don't wanna hea

an't force me,

w move your a** girl."

" I kicked the wall slightly. I did

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