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I Was Called His

Chapter 4 3

Word Count: 1814    |    Released on: 01/11/2023

in a small smile. I turn to see him. He's sleeping lik

could not believe that I hadn't survived this take off. For a moment, I thought.

s telling me that he remembers me. It took me years to leave my past back. My past still

awake." He smi

" I smil

ce of familiar music. It plays for a few seconds but it draws all the memories back. My heart flutters faster lik

feeling tightened around my chest, taking me near to death. I push up the cloth from my sleeve,

. But I coul

ry to speak. My eyes and lungs feel deep burning. I take more dee

on my cheeks. He is grasping worried expressions on his face, "S

never allow anyone to touch me, not even my parents, brother. I hate it when someone touch

him only pain,

m his touch. In one corner of my mind, I am fearin

e chucks back his head on the headrest an

have the same eyes. But he's not.... particularly, I don't see dishones

the chance to see his hands, strong and long fingers. He can easily throttle me. He tilts his hands to see

k you. But I highly recommend you to change your s

help me to forget him. I can feel Arnav looking at me. There is love and concern in his eyes for me. But I couldn't allow it. He would get hurt only if he'd expect anything

My heart is aching, crying for his betrayal. My life is worse than hell. I am dying every day. Because I truly loved him. He punished me for being

uietly, "Why are you pushing me away

m? It seems to me that he is asking for

okay? " He asks again. I could see concern for me. But I

Being with me will only get you hurt, not love back, "I hope you can find ano

re for you. " His voice is symbolic that my harsh w

n, showing my back to him as I pull my legs up

God! At least you can feel that I'm hurt.

ot getting us anywhere, "Don't!"I almost warned him, "I know what y

You're not a kid. I don't need to explain things to yo

you talking about? " I warne

Stay away from m

y hurt him. I would be the last girl he wa

e isn't so close that I'll

eautiful when you show

e. Abruptly, he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer. I freeze in my seat, "I remember the day I saw you. Eight Years! Please, give me a chance. I don't know, but I can f

. My hands are shivering when I raise my hands to push him away. He loo

Why isn't he getting it that he's hurting me? I don't allow anyone to touch me. I hate it. His touch doesn't make me feel disgusted. I don't know why? I should have slapped him

. I shiver. He must have felt it, because he is st

t down. " He rests his hands on my shoulders, pushing me in my seat. He buckles me. I clench my hands

to him. His hands stop on his seatbelt. This is th

but stared out to see the view. You'll not believe it, but it's true. I'm not allowing you to walk out of my life

uth but he does not know anything about me. An

lame himself for this. I kept quiet as I was fearing he'd know I'm on the verge of crying. That's the problem with me, my tea

hen the plane is going to land,

t want people to stare at me and think of

ler coaster. I open my eyes and

He stands up to pick up his backpack. I slip from behind h

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