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The Half-Back

Chapter 7 A LETTER HOME.

Word Count: 2603    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

upplied a certain amount of information appreciated only by its author and its recipient: facts regarding woolen stockings; items about the manner in which the boy's washing was

, and puts in a half hour practicing golf before chapel. Then in the afternoon he's at it again when the weather will let him, and he generally spends his evenings, when not studying, in mending his clubs or painting balls. Then he's one of the ca

d he always looks as though he had just got out of the bath-tub--only stopped, of course, to put his clothes on. I guess we must be pretty old-fashioned in our notions, we Maine country folks, because so many of my pet ideas and beliefs have been changed since I came here. You know with us it has always gone without dispute that rich boys are mean and worthl

name?--spends a lot of money, but not foolishly; I mean he has no bad habits, like a few of the fellows. I hope you

't mind him much. I don't think he's really as mean as he makes you believe. He's hav

ond squad until half past. Then came lunch. After lunch I scurried up to my room and dug up on chemistry, which was at one-thirty. Then came Greek at half past two. Then I had an hour of loafing--that is, I should have had it, but I was afraid of my to-morrow's history, so put in part of the time studying that. At a little before four I hurried over to the gymnasium, got into football togs, and reached the campus 'just in time to be in time.' We had a stiff hour's practice with the bal

Some day I'll find out. Anyhow, he's the grandest kind of a fellow. I suppose he's about thirty. He has plenty of money, West says, and is a lawyer by profession. He has coached Hillton for three years, and

ps that are worth getting, though I don't believe I shall be satisfied with any other. West says I'm cheeky to even expect a show at the Goodwin.... All the professors are very nice; even 'Turkey.' His real name is Durkee, and he is professor of English. He is not popular among the fe

as I have told you. Then there is an advisory committee of one pupil, one graduate, and one professor. These are Wesley Blair, Mr. Remsen, and Professor MacArthur. Then there is a manager, who looks after the business affairs; and a trainer, who is Professor Beck; and, of course, a captain. Wesley Blair is the captain. The second eleven is captained by Tom Warren, who is a fine player, and who is substitute quarter-back on th

here in the village cut it over. He is very moderate in charges and does good work, so West tells



On account of the latter there had been only a half hour of light practice for the two squads, and Joel at half past four had gone to his room to study. But when it came time

He watched a tiny chipmunk scamper along the top of the stone wall and disappear in the branches of a maple, looked upward and saw a mass of fluffy white clouds going northward, and thought wistfully of spring and the delights it promised here in the Hudson Valley. The golden-rod had passed its prime, though he

ll, that the Coach might have the benefit of the level footpath and avoid the ruts. But

tudying botany?" Joel explained that he had been only trying to identify

sen as he took it. "Yes, it's the Purple-Stemmed,

he Novoe-Anglioe and spectabilis in Maine, and some of the

n flora, I believe. I used to be very fond of the woods on Mount Adam when I was a boy here at Hillton, a

ince then, I suppose

spring, and we won from Eustace by an eighth of a mile. And we nearly burned old Masters d

ir; Num

sion in the middle of the floor. That's where Billy made a bonfire one night and offered up in sacrif

is books for, sir? Was

ating the fact. He was a nice old chap, was Billy Mathews

uch commotion as some of the expl

of science still remembered here

something terrible, but that you were such a n

tball wasn't as popular as it is to-day, at Hillton, and fellows couldn't work off their surplus animal spirits thumping a pigskin as they can now. Football is a great be

. I'm having a hard time with drop kicki

this golf business. Don't get discouraged. Peg away. It's worth the work, March, and you have the making of a good back as soon as you learn

ir, tha

here I turn off. Have you tim

msen. I'm just going to the pos

riend West with you. That's my headquarters down there, the yellow house; Mrs. Hutchins's. If you cut across the field here it will s

te, please, sir," he called. "Are you any relation to

le. "I think I've heard my father speak of relatives i

in people's relatives, Mr. Remsen, and so I thought I'd as

s, because I should like to be related to her friends. And say, March, when you're wri

will be necessary,

nified and reverend attorney-at-law, and

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