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Chapter 3 III

Word Count: 1178    |    Released on: 01/11/2023


rror while Rosaline is making me up even

look like a ghost In a shell thi


f you talk again, I will apply this red lip

club will have to run away by th

keep quiet already…? I am al

s again and started

ransformed you. Gosh, if I were a man … I wi

kind of looked different. Even though the mak

iend.” I said

nything for you,

d held a cab to the dest

d off – shoulder

re exposed, and my long sexy

beautiful neck, and I wore little earr

ink dressin fact, hers was

s sleeveless, while the

and her makeup was tot

d into the club with Rosaline cat walki

is the fact that she doesn't ca

according to how

t the society might say and how I would

e club, I noticed some peop

makeover real

d that I had to hold on to Rosaline's

to an empty table

ies like anyth

bottles and red cups in front of him


ng at him because he cocked his head


tomato right now because I

p and I didn't eve

d it all because my nerves

t a chance to enjoy the party!” He said as he looked at Rosaline and I, wh

ause I downe

o dance?” The

rmed, looking like s

questioned, most likely becau

head. I will wait here. I do

ome right back.” Rosaline said as she grabbed the strange guy's

'S P

ne of the club couches when I saw

y, but the one in a red

s more b

he perfec

she is actu

e while as a man came and gav

man to go dance and just right

t started t


so be

so out of

rent rainbow colors mad

ls they were with, and only I sat looking

e look


girl and I make an eye contact, she will definitely com

aying har

my pride and go tr

utiful for me to le

her, but her back was turned, so she didn't

urned and our

e, two, three times

t here with y

e can't r

an actuall

probably shocked that the po

she adjusted a little

n and loo

autiful when you

ful damsel?” I questioned, t

rlett Brendan. How abou

ntentionally leaving

ld her hand out as if s

ocking eyes with her and brou

when I realized that her

Ace.” She said and

w me?” I asked

not in every part of the wor

will recog

at me like she hasn't s

th confusion writte

" Her confusion


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