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The Rebellious Novice

The Rebellious Novice

Author: Angel24

Chapter 1 Kuchiki Hair

Word Count: 2848    |    Released on: 02/11/2023

ing as fast

needed to reach the city or the beach, it didn't matter. She needed help urgently. Forcing her legs to go faster she reached the edge of the forest, she was about to smile v

verything went dark befo

was driving as f

m to deliver some important documents outside the city and while he appreciated the trust his boss put into him he couldn't believe how uncaring he was, Ichigo didn't have a driver's license yet, he was too y

n that he had to drive near the beach and the traffic was a nightmare around that zone, thinking about that he took a shortcut, it w

other cars near him he relaxed,

en when i

son with the car before he or she could reach the floor, he hit the brakes immediate

of a body? Was he so damn unlucky that he had killed some crazy asshole that for some reason wanted to enjoy the view

't call t

ses so he couldn't prove that the person fell from the cliff, instead they would blame him, there wa

letting out the air he di

off the car and ran towards

t this one be alive, I cannot go to jail" he wasn't used to praying b

e noticed it was that it was completely dressed in black, i


aloud "I ki

gorgeous. Pale skin, button like nose, she couldn't be older than


e! He wasn't

and lay her carefully on the backseat. Collecting his thoughts he got to the conclusion that he wasn't going to make it to dinner in time, so


is crazy and Renji says he needs my help with something, don

i Isshi

oy was responsible e

hing heavily he walked towards the door. He thought about waiting for a few minutes to make the bastard suffer but, considering the hour, the visit was probably because of something impor

t the sight of Ich

about to ask but Ichigo'

ent, Renji closed the door behind him. He was glad that he didn

don't know what happened but pl

is redheaded best

aid while walking

i approached him and patted him on the back twice, Ichigo wouldn't admit it but that little gesture helped him a lot. Before he could process everything, he told Renj

go asked desperately once he let

ill eventually show up to pick her up." Renji s

igo asked "what if they send her to som

oked at


suggested "once she does, we'll explai

go g

y she won

sue someone" Renji said "come

a gr

r, the day had begun quite normally, the usual prayers and then breakfast and as time went on she kept replaying

nd sat down

n't smell very sanitary. She checked herself and noticed how she didn't have any broken


at time it was but obviously the people from the convent would be already looking for her. With trembling hands she ope

Was she alrea

l out of nowhere I swear to you

wake up, just

ly talking about her, apparently so

t damage? I could go to

followed the sou

ious one." Renji said smirk

irl stepping into the dining room words failed him. She was walking, that was a good sign

he asked and Ichigo thought tha


one who helped

us, she had violet eyes, he had never seen that eye color. Hell, he wondered if she was

nji, after noticing Ichigo's i

d how her eyes widened at that "My name is Abarai Renji

you see someone?" she asked

ed "is someone l


said "I escaped for

tled on his head and he felt as if a

y asked "you escaped?!

wl on his face. She wasn't sure if she could trust him, but he had helped her and sh

said "although I was lucky enough

Idiot! I almost had a heart at


planned to fall from there."

had killed you he would've been involved, I cannot

ed her hea

ow old a

to" he paused "you know what? Never mind, I shouldn't be

u're right, you shouldn't explain yourself

" Ichigo co

g to help me, carrot t

ckled sarc

ad a panic attack? Hell no, I don't e

head then and she

"now I'm all alone in the outside world, my head and my bo

o fro

angrily "go look for the closest church,

orange haired boy doubled in pain and Rukia pulled his hair painfully. Renji was shocke

fuck?!" Ic

'm not going back, you'll help me to get on my

he asked looking a

it me with your car and brought me to this tiny, dirty apartmen

ffended "this apar

Rukia ordered and I

have to

ck car parked ou

ile opening the door for h

ng novice that was sent to greet the guests blushed at the sight of them and quie

o Byakuya and admiring the hallways. The convent had quite the gothic style and it looked as if it belonged to a horr

granddaughter" Bya

unaffected by his son's coldness "why would yo

dging the question "I'm surprise

n shr

esides I promised Ginrei that

is the safest place on earth, grandfather

iress of our clan, living with nuns, I think it

another word, once they reached the princ

old woman with a mean smile, greeted them

men n

ored of course but all of our young novices are qu

raised a

ink it's time for her to go back and live with us"

ront of him neve

s so sudden, I don't think Ru

e one who looked at the

gging us to get her out of here" he s

mile faltered

lly specia

re your bringing here anytime so

stand, which is why I must ask you to leave sweet Rukia with us for another coup

ya fr

ide our enterprise since my grandfather already retired, Rukia wil

n but a young novice burst inside t

to be found, nothing was found in the forest either,

and Byakuya looked ang

? Or perhaps were you asking for another coup


ukia was okay otherwise

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