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The Rebellious Novice

Chapter 4 Classroom

Word Count: 3114    |    Released on: 02/11/2023

yone turned to look at him with widened eyes and he didn't blame them, he p

ed approaching him "or


rollercoaster" he said "Renj

i la

e everything, dude"

go n

ng to be a t

" the young boy said "although, it would've been better

ya fr

lways saved the calls he received, his father used to call him paranoid because of that but now, his so called paranoia, proved to be convenient. The

" the boy said "it'll take

nd Ginrei steppe

ck?" he

ing tired, it was obvious how Rukia's call affected him but Byakuya decided not to point it out. He couldn't blame him, after hearing

tes!" the boy repeated

e's helping her, I don't even want to know in exchange of what, she


e in his house was bad, the fact that the girl happened to be his daughter was worst, Rukia was an idiot, and whoever was hel

e exact position of the call but I do k

s eyes

prised "oh, the call was mad

uya asked "a

oy no

actly from where but judging by this map I would bet that

ei s

said "she's closer than

ya no

ed to fin

ping some courage "it's goin

igh School, ready to enroll herself so she could finally find out how fun school was, she didn't understand why

d to fuck up his sleeping schedule by actually kissing him. It was lucky that they were waiting for the teacher

eyes w

he kissed you? Isn't that a l

o shr

that she did it with all the innocence in

do you

e" Ichigo explained "if she keeps doing rando

i sm

essing that your days w

go s

o anything crazy today, I hope she waits for me be


her would

won't surprise me anymore, I know

he had just pointed a

on calmly and then they would let her stay, it was as simple as that. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on her side. Because the

sked shocked

nervously "I didn't kn

he asked "last time I saw

ing through the window and never come back but she saw Ukitake's confused look and remembered that this w

ng the door behind her "if I explai

ke no

n, take

round the class

but now they were in the third period and Kyoraku-sensei wasn't the best at teaching literature, perhaps he was hangover, he left them reading some random passage on the text bo

utting the book dow

becoming a good friend, Ichigo couldn't stand him at first due to his stuck

asked "we just have to

d and Ichigo had to agree with him "w

kinned tall boy said

f few words, or

and looked at th

book either and Keigo and Mizuiro were out of the questi

d ask her?" Renji ask

o sco

e rest of the class but somehow she had been with them ever since elementary school. Ichigo sometimes felt bad for her,

aughters to their neighbor school. That's where Tatsuki and Inoue, two really good friends of Ichigo, were. He sighed, perhaps it was for the best,

on, stop trying, you'r

greed "physical educat

o shu

ike physica

said after Rukia ended

n more complicated. Besides, Ukitake was a wise man, he would be able to see though

r you to be away from Byakuya, Ruk


. ludicrous. But Byakuya is your father, he must be worried sick alon

ang of guilt b

lly want to study" she explained desperat

nddaddy?" Ukitak

I call my grandfather "grandpa" and my great grandfather is "


s refused to believe

from this school has been helping me, stu

ned that this is the same boy

said and noticed how U

smiled fondly "then I hav

ed her hea


you stay and I won't tell Byakuya

a no

people at school is treating you, I want to know where you live and I d

ll of that sounded w

ity of talking with your family, not now of course, but I want


orgiving them, but I don't think I'm


I cannot blame you for t


the one who's managing this school I cannot imagine a better place


was but for now he would let her enjoy a normal life. As far as he was concerned Byakuya deserved the cold shoulder from her daughter, Ukitake had

with Kurosaki Ichigo, Ukitake could

finally "let's tak

office. He frowned, what for? That would definitely ruin his plans, considering how he wanted to see Rukia after class but well, R

g back inside, he never stopped watching his phone and

te today, as you know we're in the middle of the sem

he girl's uniform and a big smile, he gaped. No, this couldn't be happening, how did she find the way to school? What kind of tricks did

at Ichigo wit

you know...?"

ck "I don't even know ho

d smiling knowingly "for now, we should find you a place

r as he observed how Rukia took a

as barely

tside the hospital "Kurosaki Isshin is alrea

rowned a

e said "we should be looking for Rukia r

ruly, but we need you alive for when we find her, God kno

i sco

y fine!" he e

checkup" Soujun said as the ch

t of her and he stopped and looked aside. Ichigo never mentioned this and when she looked at him he simply looked at her with s

nd her weren't giving

to it?" Rukia asked to

girl looked at

greeting them with the midd


this is better than the other school, believe it or not, wh


aid "and I came here

rossed h

" she said "the way you walk, the way you sit, even the way y

girl sitting next

ating. Rukia smiled, this was her chance at having a female friend, a chance to forget about the bitches in the conven

l tell you what, you and I,

a smi

said "but sure, i

his afternoon to the store in w

d as she saw the pen

ho appreciates Chappy is my friend, so I'm

at, she didn't hav

order" Kurosaki I

ei s

" he explained "but my s

e started to put a

ed your retirement because a little bit of rest would be beneficia

at the doctor

intain a weird friendship. He had been an amazing friend and he was in charge of monitoring the health of every m



her to study overseas for what he told me, I

shook h

ck home" he explained "I do

in s

her, ever since she was born so I never met her personally but I'm guessing that

ei s

said "I wanted to spend my re

forting hand on

told me that girl adores you, give her s

ei n

would listen to him

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