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Chasing The Famous Demon

Chasing The Famous Demon


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1093    |    Released on: 02/11/2023

An Angel

you h

t in th

ngel race will be tog

on race? I looked at the large wall that

ted the building of the demon and angel

. Originally angels and demons were r

kept the 'world balance' abandoned this

e happily ever after- just a charot joke. The truce wa

d a lot of demons and angels, as long as they're all black wi

o one knows where it came from, so both s

d disappeared, these plagues began to strike. Just o

dying this species, how to kill them.

the strength of my friend's shout. Of course all the s


x-princess of

ld have been the q

pity her pa

immediately hear from the first yea

a Javier. The soon to be queen of the angel race. I'

blue colored eyes, thin lips, pointed nose and we

meanor should be elegant and calm. My actions should also be

ss. .which drains the sht out of me. Too

I'm obsessed in studying the demon and angel ra

I turned to Nyphele and faked a smile

I immediately became the topic. " she scoffed at what I said and

f the demon and angel race ok? So, you being the center

e. A loyal lady in our family, she has dar

dgmental, war-freak and al

right on the spot. .her words really hurt like

still not comfortable when both races are united.

e but I'm sure they will tear down the big

k something out of her hand, it was a lunch bo

d angels have a unique ability. This abil

essing. If you have a blessing the

rchers discovered, if you have a blessi

to kill our opponent, if you don't have a ble

if you don't have a blessing you can injure them an

the blessing came fr

ng us, now we are chasing them becau

ecies lived undergrounds now and

t only a few will come out at night. Of cour

things going. Whatever she can

tudents, we still need a guide teacher during the hunt.

.because the corrupted species is also stronger ever

" I asked in astonishment, first day aft

quite fun. .who doesn't enjoy killing righ

h a blessing." I wondered, it's a rar

and demons. I heard that demons are also summ

t demons were involved. "Does that

expression changed,

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