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Luna to the immoral alpha king (white wolf series)

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1034    |    Released on: 03/11/2023

rite banana juice, I silently opened the silver packaging so as to make no noise. The taste of the snacks a

rat, how

ed handed. Well, you have been caught red handed, mother said as she held me into her strong arms and hugged me tightly. She placed her head on my shoulder, and I wrapped my arms around hers. My mother was a bit taller than I was, with long brown curly hair that flowed down her wa

you can't control what I eat. It's my body, so I will e

nt. He was very different from both my mother and me. He was

miles today", mother said with a smile as she

d shrugging

oven, and my stomach's was

ill finish in five seconds, a tiny lit

y younger brother who stood behind

annoying today, he has even annoyed me as wel

rovert, and was my dad's favorite. He is the most youngest of us all, just a ten years old boy. Wh

rom my thoughts. I went towards it and turned it off, before tak

id as he reached out and d

ook, and I felt like givi

u want some, I asked

g me a wide tooth smile tha

creech. I groaned, squinting my eyes in pain. She let out yet another howl, and I

, mother asked with her

for a while, and when I called out to her ask

you o

it was my d

s yipping and howling at weird times, and I don't k

hanged glance, but didn't even look worried after I had told them of

near", she

and I could feel my heart po

?", I repeate

s had already found their mate when we were in school, and I was one of the few wolves left mateless. Usually one would meet their mate between the ages of 16-20, typically a year or two after your first shif

d this be?",

out a mate. Most times some do not have mates at all, although it is highly uncommon. I believed that everyone deserves a mate, at least someone they can

this Alaric?", I a

I say it if it wasn't t

e in anticipation. I was fi

t", came the voice of my little brother Col

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