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Luna to the immoral alpha king (white wolf series)

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1123    |    Released on: 03/11/2023

tter than this",

ra you are always seen around with", Mirabel cried. She crouched down to her son and cupped

my mate, and she will never be. I have alread

Alpha now, and I don't need anyone fucking disobeying my ord

. "This is my pack now, and my pack means my rules", he taunted. "I just had

I never would have thought that such a

at mean?", I a

th banned from this pack he shouted. Scre

sn't done anything wrong to

the tears in my eyes were already beginning to blur my vision. "My whole life is here. I gave everything to this pack, and trained for years to protect this pac

Dave scoffed. "You weren't a real warrior,

n order not to phase into my wolf form vanished. "In that case, I w

t me. "You will never be strong eno

nd blood pooled from the wound, which made him to let out a gut wrenching scream while his eyes turned black as coal. Dave grabbed my fur roughly with his unhurt arm, causing me to loose balance, and slammed me to the fl

ck back", he demanded

all stood, while their animal nature wa

his", his mo

o his mother word's, infact nothi

fucking killl

't going to back down so easily. I used all my strength in my hands and legs and lunged at him. We began fighting, clawing, biting, nipping and clawing at each other. Dave finally took my right front paw into his large mouth, sinking his long sharp canines into it. The pain was so severe that I involuntarily changed back t

g you, for killing you is n

staying down on me. My right bone had already incredibly swallow up with red and purple bruises scattered all over my wrist

n't sure she could hear me from all the commotions taking place thery. I had no idea who it was, as

ce said. I finally recognized it was Mirabel's

going to help you put t

fell to my thighs, hanging loosely off my body. Father furious went over the mad alpha fuming with anger, while mother stood b

our hand", Mirabel said as she

that it made me wince. She wra

hattered, we nee

t. "All of you are banished, all of you, so get off my pack thi

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