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Tears Of Betrayal

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1520    |    Released on: 07/11/2023




heard the boss, he was angry again, but no,

nt of me, as before, emotionl

pusta ko, pag eto nai

?" He ask

e maybe I

ss" I laughed

and turned to look at me,

no such thing as a sharp suspicion tha

its call to me I laughed even harde

sk!" losing patien


't stop

re drunk, make sure there's nothing like

. Hahahaha" I added w

r business Adriano!" H

earing coat and cocked, then no doub

just fucking end

pped laughing

. The former seem

is really k

rious i

t at the adjacent seat, then closed his eyes

as changed yet. The he

towards the place we intended, can not be late



hed. I really hate it when this

calm myself. This is what i get

tle w

t, a picture of a girl Su

ely, Adriano is alert, he still doesn't seem to

nnection and money to do the work for me, they can find a w

deways hoping to fo

k about another things,

wered, not minding the

ts a shocki

stutter, did something happen?

emotion. But I'm used to it

re are you boss?" Unable to harvest it, it

usy for the meantime, fuck her girls and juice himself." It was boring for m

rembled again then informe


o see if we were c

ss!" Its a hap

t and waited for

y popped out of my mind, again, for the

ll i know, spacing out and n

and right, thinking it

ack to reality wh

you're drunk?" Its question


old man if you dont want me to keep

in, and he knows i despi

ed my messy clothes on sitting, i was stan

ere, like they were just a st

nt of me and led the way wearing his humo

?" A business partner asking for a favor, b

ile, just tripping, if i

ing for congressman, he is assuring his sit not until a sudden rival came across the picture, taking his supposedly throne. and as for his

the position but

ss man without his money, he

g the top-notch sodality we will definitely be know

money, we kill for a purpose, we exterminate those who fault, and

to protect my people and such, not

do it is easy, bu

Allarde." I answered h

answer, maybe, its the op

ue to say quickly and without

, still serious, not speaking. the o

ion took place, disappointed because I had lost my mood, when

and surrounded me, carryi

e there shout

e coat I was wearing. then I rolled my eyes as I was d

r, due to adrenaline rush it even managed to wipe the blood that flow

but she was just an idiot, i was about to rescue her w

t watched it slide and hurriedly

girl, at that time i prompted the personnel to shoot the armed me

in pain, the girl was forcefully caught

ong kind of drugs that can put

p but because the body of the latter was a few times bigger, it did

d men inside this room, that's whe

mething, the urge

n turned it on, I then pointed the gu

again, her eyes were half close that's when

Adriano made his move and shot the


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