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Tears Of Betrayal

Chapter 10 10

Word Count: 1492    |    Released on: 07/11/2023



und of the electric fan, then I felt something cold as if it was comin

em suddenly I felt a cloth that I thought I was going to

I didn't have anyone with me on my boarding so who is that daredev

and the

oom !where am i ?! "I eja

ng to remember what was

heard a cold and t

ly to find this cold as eyes gorgeous man, his eyes

ut I don't know what's in me

se pointy nose anyone would wish to breath the same air he breathe, his curved nearly pout

e will beg to cuddle in his arm, those rigid perfect muscle will secure any woman he hug. that stoma

man." There was a de

ly rea

ny of you!" I said angrily to mysel

disappointed when

were still cold on this ice

s. You should eat. Your asleep

ngs on such occasions but I'm sure when I

tart, I immedia

m I here?" My qu

while when I stared at him, but

ust let it go, I was shocked so I couldn't prepare my question in Eng

I answer your questions." B

ss and I could see the dark surroundings outside, I could also see the vast garden outsi

ctly how the house of the syndi

man go, but when he en

n. I hate rep

doubling the cold so I ran

to be here." I tearfully asked befo

e men who killed the mayor? Are they going to kill me? Will you eat first before

hugged myself, I had

rget it all, your just making yourself funny." it said seriousl

cking to see if this hand

umbled, I couldn't help but feel embarr

He said with a smile before turn

t each one we passed, all I knew was that we also w

voices, seemin

late. I'm r

s watering too. I

all, the boss must have

ontain myself from talking, you w

us, it's not bad to reduce one,

s, they are all fooling arou

younger t

if not for the maids who were there I was the only woman in thi

ide moved by a technology if im not mistaken. The floor were purely made of white marbles, its shining shimmeri

maybe the person who owns it i

n front of me who until now I sti

ided me to the f

r, as someone spoke near me, currently sta

ishes and drinks on the table

use that voice w

ut loud, confirming if

e already very noisy dining table suddenly fell

l!" The old man re

an, because besides being kind he thou

more English, then I paid homage to the men w

ad seen inside my house, whos

hem one nodded slightly and the other two h

driano and the three men when the man

in the chair he pulle

e sigh of some

I didn't move and just stared at him, watching his every move as he went and he pulled up the ve

no was the driver that night, this man was also the last I saw before I

will really kill me. Jusko! Please h

ould he be with it too, in fact the old man's personality was so far

Please lord, help m


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