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The Mafia's Dangerous Addiction

Chapter 2 Evil Devil

Word Count: 1243    |    Released on: 11/11/2023

ms her hope had been broken i

in her entire life, how come

p her

and silently. He chuck

estion me?"

him, you b*tch!" Madame Lil

t her hand and twist

ed and she nodded fearfully, feeling the pain on her hand.

rchid's hand dragging

her hand tightly and

eaving." S

She screamed. He stared at her slowly as she

er if that was the same man who had threatened her earlier. She

smirked and that was when Orchid realized she was in the lion's den. Did she call Madame Lilah'

arge Manor. It looked pretty much like a

a woman with black dress was standing with her arms open, like s

two fangs coming out and red blood coming out from

muttered and she turned to

he opened her mouth to speak but it felt

s quick to anger. Her face turned red and her legs were thrashing round in the air. Just as she saw

look fazed, it was like this was so

uld save her, she had to survive alone. She c

" He asked slowl



" He corrected and she blink

y he was doing this to her. She has never met or seen t

done to deserve this treatment? Was ther

ed her feet to stand up but she fell again weakly. The guy who

she was shocked to see Ma

he gasped. She had definitely

f the guard standing beside him and shot the o

amed fearfully as bloo

eared him. But now it was heightened, how could a ma

You don't deserve help. I think you'll rather just manage yourself tha

er blood stained face and dress. The luxury

t looked so beautiful but she didn't have the courage to even look around or appreciate it's beauty. Her

ch door. It was like it had been announced that the boss was coming in. They all bowed as he walked past

her, it was obvious the girl was so beautiful, she didn't even have the huge body of the other

rply and Orchid alm

. The lady looked at her sini

girl, Marin

t was such an innocent name for such a man. She t

e muttered and she

....Master." She almost f

alking away. She was about to follow him

?" She asked loudly. Orchid wondered


ire, he can hear your thoughts. It w

he heard that, how? So he

?" She suddenly asked the girl a

atever you need today but as from tomorrow, yo

mean by that?

yone apart from Marino, your master. So en

hat will be an easier option than seeing the rays of the sun to

m that looked no better than a pris

ep t

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