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The Mafia's Dangerous Addiction

Chapter 5 Make your choice

Word Count: 1686    |    Released on: 11/11/2023

nstead. Her hands brushed through his clothes and removed his

d hardly and her

She groane

re supposed to get there be

with a mixed emotions of shock and surprise. This girl never ceases to sur

re not supposed to tal

f your words." She pointed out as she stood up carefully and smartl

at sent shivers down your spine and

mediately and sigh

y long table and they sat at opposite ends which gave them a long distance in between. Orchid was glad, sh

ay and this was well into afternoon of today. She was very famished. She loved the

d someone walked i

Marino smirked at her thoughts, before blocking it. He was tired of hearing people thoughts which seemed like noise to his ears, he wanted surprises and wanted to b

rday..." He laughed, staring at Orch

rk chops and placed it in his mouth. That was the first and last spoon he was taking, v

Marino had always thought. Love made you feel and act stupid but a vampire in love with a human, that was disgraceful. Luckily, vampires couldn't pry into another's v

?" He asked and Orchid gulped when s

ow." Mari

ght in her eyes. She gulped fearfully as he had never maintai

nce you had her first,.." Damon said, looking at Orc

d he mean by that? Orc

o bid someone more than what I pa

her out like that? Didn't he say he wante

night?" Da

rance in front of a woman lik

what it had caused. She hoped Damon was better than Marino but she guessed he was worse. Marino had not made any mo

d? I think I need money" Marino asked, the l

artini Rochez would never need

rease my vault." M

id and placed a hand on her sho

She looked at Marino in fear, hoping he would save her but he just gave her a blank look i

d and ten."

e added. Orchid stared weakly

question to her." He sai

slowly caressed her shoulder, going slowly to her breasts. She blinked sl

tra." Marino smiled. Hellcat watched from the staircase, she was also wondering wh

gers into her dress reachin

She gasped wi

He or

her breasts, Marino threw a fork and it stabbed Damon in his hand, he retracted it quickly in pain. Orchid quickly st

ine!!" H

ou would sell..

mon scoffed, removing the fork without

re Orchid? She chose her creeping Lucifer. She should have just left when she had the c

ondering if she made the right choice by choosing him. He st

dared not move or stare at him a

now?" He asked and s

to me!" He gr

king closer to her, that there

He shouted and sh

ng to you."

eat t

u...I belong to

trail down from her hair to her cheeks, then to her chin and he rais

at that." He said an

sp, paving way for his tongue to penetrate. The taste of blood filled their mouth and he groaned hungrily as his fangs came out. She gasped and retracted quickly when she felt it ag

e stairs but he super sped towards her and dragge

angs more and her eyes couldn't

ad bit his lip too and tasted his blood. Now, they had a blood oath, was that what he was trying

I'm more devilish than what you think." He

He said. She looked at him shockingly

her feet to move. She was scared, scared that he might suck her blood out of her, scared that he w

ddenly said an

in her bar ri

d twerk .

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