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Heartstrings On Fire

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 619    |    Released on: 11/11/2023

Elton spotted her, got out of his car, and gra

er tone icy. “Alright,

runk that day. I tho

done explaining? If yo

going at the entrance. Anita happened to be driving her c

n’t chase

asked, “Who was that hunk? The one who brought

her head. “H

ut why did you guys break up? He’s handsome, and seems to come fr

e a headache.

s rare to see her like this, even whe

ask any mor

utside the window, her thoughts

on’s birthday gift to her was letting her

r good friend

one day, Agnes could only find solace in th

oses showed up on Agnes‘ desk, and Elton would

andsome guy was madly pursuing Agnes. Agne

roses on her desk. But in addition to that, som

ed at the s

nce you won’t see me or answer my calls

people in the office, all

w attention, Agnes

streaming down her face, Jenny grabbed Agnes by the arm. “Agnes, I

e a friend, you wouldn’t have done this

n for a long time. Yes, you two have been close since childhood, and I should

Agnes‘ expre

heiress of the Pritchard family. Even without him, you can find a better partner in the future. But I’m differen

anned to tangle with him. After what happened, Agnes knew th

sked, “Is this what you c

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