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Heartstrings On Fire

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 644    |    Released on: 11/11/2023

g, but it was all because s

ever rang. She jolted awake, startling the

mbled, “Why are

ied, “It’s already 8. I’

out of bed, but Ja

in bed with me a bit longer,” he

o disagree though s

tiously began to inch away, hoping to sneak out

pped open his eyes and rasped, “Agnes, didn’t anyone ev

he pulled her back and

ed at the office, it wa

nes, why are you

the morning’s eve

ur face is so re

“My dog at home is too clin

entence, Anita nudged,

by them, pausing slightl

r breath, he didn’

he boss was going to scold you for being late, Agnes. You’

ey came in together. Luckily, no o

n Agnes and Anita, Yolanda asked, “

Agnes blurted ou

o a poodle. But he probably didn’t have time to deal with he

message: I’m going on a business tr

me, Jared had been away on business half the time, but no matter wh

p. She only hoped to get through this period

hat an unexpected event

rowd of people around her desk. When she went ov

“Agnes, who sent this? He must be loaded! 99 rainb

the bouquet. After reading the card, her face changed. She immedi

ispered, “Agnes, did your boyfriend s

d tried to make up with me with 99 rain

eing her expression, everyon

ft work in the evening and saw Elton’s ca

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