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The Playgirl

Chapter 5 The Club

Word Count: 2654    |    Released on: 11/11/2023


because it was dark because it was night plus there was only dim light here so he wasn't noticeable but when the wind blew, the curtai

cause the door was half open. And when I turned to the room, my eyes immediately

t Mr.

kly ran to the terrace and almost squeezed myself into th

Did he

rvous. I also looked at the glass I was holding an

when he saw the wine on the floor! You mi

us when I heard a few

hope I

e you do

I heard him speak. I'm right

ehe." I said awkwardly while

rammed myself into the corner even more, but when I got hold

off steam while you're at the club?" I said

ith him. I just peeked! Is that a big deal? Wh

s just that... y

ooked at him as

do you

me with a smi

guess why. I guess no one is willing to dance with you on the dance floor,

Not everyone who goes to the club, wants to dance or just drink. There are people who just want to have some fun and I'm one of them. I don't ne

to me so I pushed my

asked without emotion. I was just i

answered him annoyed. He g

ngry? Do you have

because of what he said.

It's because of you! You annoy me

ust placed my two hands on the railings for support because I felt

few seconds. Then he wet his

e dr

ould I apologize if I just wanted to tease you? Or sh

ar me. Our faces are really only a few centimeters away. I could ba


'm out

all me Vaughnc

all distance between us. He didn't move because of my pushing. His ey

d earlier doesn't mean anything. You're not thinking right now because of the

especially when he said his name to me. Maybe he just doesn't want to be called by his last name. Or maybe he

in. This time, I could tell he was really

, he immediately removed his coa

o say was cut off when the next thing I fel

he did. What he did when he spo

first before you wear something sexy and revealing. Y

ess tonight! But I don't have a cold! Where did he rea

too lazy to carry it. The room where I saw him earlier is also closed. He might go back inside or he migh

king. The lighting of the club also goes along with the rhythm of the musi

terrace so I don't know if he was looking for me or maybe he was already the

ause I might bump into them or they might hit me. Even though it was ti

a man who had just approached o

se the light doesn't hit him because

atly told him while still look

as obvious that he was drunk the way he spoke. I was immediately sur

with a grin. I just raised an eyebro

saka, I'm not interested in you." I said and immediately stood up. But I hadn't

s I tried to release

ill trying to narrow it down

have such a big head!" I shouted back at hi

le struggling but he quickly caught my other

complained as m

who it was because they turned their backs on the light. And the next thing

ened, he suddenly held my hand u

n who helped me earlier. And when I saw hi


ng? Why did you land there?!"

e, Mr. C-cabreza." I

ace and I saw h

man has been follow

t know. Am

ce where you're at. And one more thing, don't wear sexy clot

lt, Mr. Cabreza?!" I

D*mn it!" he shout

For all I know, i

cally as I looked at him angrily. His expression sudd

rry." he said while

nd now, you're shouting at me just because Do I call you by your last name? I wonder if you're drunk or sober, Mr. Cabreza. Because if you're drunk now, I'l

hat was still resting on my shoulder. I slowl

it for a while even though I didn't need it." I said while hanging his coat over

en I got to the parking lot, I quickly got into the car and immediately drove

changed quickly. When I lay down on the bed, I sudde

never experienced such nervousness. I o

ling him by his name! But he ha

im. Because what if I was just overacting earlier? What if I'm the only one assuming that what he did earlier had meaning? What if he just

thinking, maybe I'll be the only one who will be embarra

nt to sleep last night, I checked my email and saw Anya's message that Tyron, a British-Fil

just that, Anya said that Tyron was looking for me. He booked in my hotel and asked about me. And because my employees

see him. I don't want trouble in my hotel again. May

ile but you're not answering." Anya greeted me when she entered my

at your desk so you didn't see me." I said

ad is still dizzy. I dr

w raised. I also crossed my hand on

ht? I've been looking for you, Any

ame more and more curious. He didn't even tell me where

tell me something that will surprise me. For example, he saw someone handsome last night and he we




sn't happy anymore. I thought he would s

y looking at the information on the new prices of t

ms now. Almost everyone is capable in li

." Anya said as she ran out of my office. I just smile


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