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Chapter 3 Mistress

Word Count: 1117    |    Released on: 12/11/2023

her not to come here, as it would only worsen the situation. He mentioned tha

ountry. When Ivan and I got married, she was extremely

ly yelled in my face while I could do nothing but cr

ssed, but I had a fear in my heart that their relationship might persist even though we were already marr

n had flown to America with her family. Ivan had never

e persisted. He rarely wanted to talk to me and refused to

arly to prepare his breakfast and lay out

his heart remained closed, and he had

husband used to repeatedly tell me: he would leave me after a year, and his parents cou

o make the most of him not remembering anything. Take care of him as yo

w said because now that he had no memories

llowed. Ivan was still awake. When I walke

remember me, as he never once looked at me closely for an e

ed a s

feeling?" I asked i

ed his sh

other-in-law, who was silently

led and

e porridge?" I asked

us because I wasn't used to him looking at me. I was accustomed to the disdainful

abbing a bowl and spoon from the table in the corner and retrieving t

sat on the side of his bed, drawing closer to him as if it were normal for us to be this close because we were

, I brought it toward his mouth, but he didn't open it. Even thou

he sure? My breathing near him used to annoy him, so why did he want me to blow on hi

ew on the porridge. After it had c

s?" he inquired a

Did you

s spoon, and he relished a hearty meal, f

ed to experience bodily discomfort, and the bruises on his sides, arms, and legs mai

left the ward. They mentioned they would return ear

in case drowsiness set in. As the clock struck ten, I began to feel a wave of sleepiness

I suddenly heard faint whispers engaged in conversation. I cautiously opened

eturned to the hospital and w

an," Maureen said, her

too," my hus

e discussed before. I

ng with Maureen, I couldn't be

I know I love you, but

ureen's response, so I pretended I was about to wake up, although

I need to leave before she inform

otsteps as she made

es closed, not wanting Ivan to realize that I was awa

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