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Chapter 5 Hurting

Word Count: 1123    |    Released on: 12/11/2023

hat even though he's not entirely comfortable with me, he allowed me to do

hird day in the hospital, and he may be discharged tomorrow.

u hungry?"

d by shakin

r you?" I asked, and he nodded slowly

nge, placing them in a bowl

to organize some mess, he

feed me?" he asked,

mproving, aren't

sn't certain if he was being truthful

n came over once again while I was asleep. It

ind me of my role in his life. So now, I can't comprehend his melodrama and his need for me to fe

him and fed him

of husband am I?" he

ories from our year together, so I wasn'

Distant," I re

ed silent f

In love with s

e are you?" he as

ly you can answer

ess, coldness, and being dist

nd it didn't even occur to me that a whole year had

ious. Why didn'

ist. Instead of leaving you despite how

and even though he had amnesia, I knew he could sense the bitterne

ou forgot, your wife," I paused for a moment to compose myself. I was tremb

breath and f

owl to the sink, aware of his continued observation, keeping myself occupied

again. I stayed awake and

ared. It was best to leave, so I wo

sitting on a bench while counting th

there, sitting beside Ivan on the bed. Even with the door open,

t felt as if I were the

and lay down. I closed my eyes and tried to rest, even though I was grappling with the overwhelming emotions that

st the doctor or nurse who had arrived. However,

g here?!" my mothe

ple! You didn't ev

nerve! You're

es, and I couldn't stop myself from crying. I just b

Leave th

break up anyway,"

oing to break up? Tha

th Myla after they've been together for a

ap that my mother-i

called out t

oned myself between them, e

er escalation. She was extremely angry, her face flushe

!" she sho

pite Ivan calling after her, she

d gave her a glass of water. Meanwhile, my father-in-law st

aws, "What are

sits here. Why didn't you speak up? You

he care and love my in-laws were sh

n, I don't even reco

essured me into marryi

ying, Ivan. You have no idea," my mothe

now, Mom. Take a rest; you might become t

emain so compo

should have married you to Dy

in-law's eldest sibling. He is kind and chee

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