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The Iron Furrow

Chapter 4 IVToC

Word Count: 1490    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

novel, went out of the shaded room where he had reposed and into t

laimed. "Lost a horse, or

is business," Garcí

e, and kept moving about near the Stevenson ranch house; García was to observe what the young man there did, all he did, whom he saw, and as far as possible where he went. Particularly was he to not

man, and when García had departed he asked, "Who are you after? Who's this young fello

sted an end of his

fall on him! No, he didn't,

e to foreclose the mortgage. It

like industry. He much preferred the pursuit of pleasure to work, and his automobile to the grille of the bank. He was accurately aware, too, of his father's weakness for him,

oung man Bryant, who just now paid

stung," Cha

be raised on them; they won't have even good pasturage; they will go back to sagebrush and cactus-all those farms, all those beautiful ranches! Altogether four or five thousand acres! They are worth two hundred thousand dollars now-to-morrow worth nothing! Half my w

pect of losing two hundred thousand do

we'll have it cancelled," he

father stated. "He's no fool-and he's a bad customer, Charlie; he said

ouf!" Charl

and in the state. I must be careful. The records show that the ranch has had the water, and while in my possession. As he says, that would be difficult for me to explain if I entered court again


away; that is necessary: I'm conside

his son, with re

nion is brought to bear on them," the elder remarked.

ut, just leave t

, remember that, and nothing illega

n, father. Two hundred thousand is

exerted through ignorant Mexicans in a hundred subtle and vindictive ways, made the enterprise all the more alluring. The Indian strain in his blood-a strain which accounts for much that sets American and Mexican apart, unconsciously in his case gave a tinge of cruelty to his anticipation. Aspiring himself to pass as an American, it never failed to please

onsidered hi

ne, I'll do. You would go too far. You can give your attention to seeing that the crops a

e I haven't been for two weeks. The wool in the warehouse there should be sold, and a buyer fr

he attractions of larger places. Of these Charlie was thinking rather than of the wool. He would attend to

l is sold; the price is good

o the matter of th

ow's name who bou

You should remember him, Charlie, for he's the fellow who filled the radiator o

fened, while his small black mou

ulted me before Louise! That

man," his fat

ish curses. When he had recovered f

but she heard him. And now he's trying to steal our water, too! I'd l

g angry; it's bad for you in this heat; sunstrokes are sometimes brought

t afraid of

loud; and people may hear it and repeat it, making trouble. Now I must return to the bank

I hear," s

n this tame course. His heart was full of rancour for the insulting stranger

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