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The Mafia Queen

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1389    |    Released on: 15/11/2023

the large room and yes

ere was a queen sized bed with golden frame and a phoenix was painted on t

n the sofa facing the TV with

foot into the prison that she would come out to

down from the roof

new new boss at The Oasis Club tonight." The

as put into prison for no reason by Johnson was announced the boss

Isabel and her father on the reason why they

f you." Isabel barked at the ca

g James who was still her legal boyfriend that night." Anoth

Isabel wouldn't want anyon

" Isabel screamed as s

hroom and took a quick bath before dressing i

heard a knock on her door and Pie

ed to see the whole table filled with different delicaci

ela laughed nervously as she

she just stood there and Gabriela understoo

iela flashed him a smile and he looked like he

it was delicious. It's been long since she had any delicious food because she

rdays of Matt felt like eating them and they got order

d it right?" Gabriela asked t

Gabriela flashed her a smil

ed eating. There was still lots of food left and

cook them more." Gabriela said as she stood up a

re invited so your arrival will be celebrated."

. Would that be

l with the mafias from town. The

nging some lawyers and other means to get Matt out of prison."


car she had came over with. Her men wer

it wasn't long at all. Those she was dealing with wants to meet t

boot, rubber long sleeve back top and gloves. Her hai

with her. She didn't notice the black cars dri

quaintance." The boss said as he stood near t

nce too Gideon." Gabriela re

in that large van." The man, Gideon sm

te. Gideon still had his eyes on Gabriela admiring h

sized hips and chest. And she did look seducti

e." Gabriela frowned and Gideon laughed

dealing with you Don Gabriela." Gideon bowed and Gabriela hopped dow

he barely missed it. The blade passed his eyes swiftl

who was already in her c

the mansion and the men carried the crat

k formed on her black lips. The crates were f

abriela replied as she signalled

ything he told her. Instead of even getting things the w

he pipe of the hookah with the maid n

attoo now?" Pierre asked her and she hummed before

" Gabriela said as she wat

enix tattoo while

oist bowed and Gabriela waved h

wrist." Gabriela said and he nodded bef

r new tattoo which was about her right breast

self before walking out of h

ould be dealt with in two days also and Empire would be reopening tomorrow." Pi

with a groan. "Get some pa

e always been our family's rival in another cit

hey are ready to stop this rivalry but what would you do when that same

alking out, still surprised how Gabri

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