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The Silent Alpha

Chapter 5 Welcome Home Mate

Word Count: 2551    |    Released on: 15/11/2023


scape out of the room, looking back to see if Luna Sar

ouse members. Every fiber in my body screams at me to get out of the house and get as far away as possible from Luna Sara, but I could not leave Agnes on her own. With no time to explain, I just grab Agnes by the wrist and drag her towards the back door. She sla

bad, I sign. "We

s back, her eyes f

and I turn to see a group of gu

Agnes asks as I grab

s. We become surrounded as I bend over to help her up, any means of escape now blocked by 20 or so guards. Two of them step forward and yank Agnes out of my arms, shoving her to the side so tha

stomach, knocking the wind right of her lungs. A low growl esca

guard snarls, punc

ens her mouth in silent screams and wails, grabbing at the guards or slapping at their arms but they simply push her away. I shake my head at her

the time the guards have mercy and stop their assault. Silver handcuf

gh, Luna Sara just behind him. Her makeup is ruined as she so

arls, his cold blue eye

. "H-he's the one.

all that escapes from my lips is a small groan. Agnes, on the other hand, squee

thout a second thought, he slaps Agnes a

ders, several guards grabbing Agnes and dragging

e grips me by the chin and for

smirk on his lips sending a chill down my spine. "I'll s

before she bursts into tears once more as I


the Alpha family, myself included, knew the dungeons by heart as it was designed to trap even the most astute of prisoners. Caine leads us down the mai

ers in the cells reflect off the wal

enter of what appears to be a torture chamber. Silver chains, whips, pliers, crowbars, and other instrume

chain is pulled high over my head, my arms aching as I'm raised high enough so that my feet barely touch the ground. The sound

beg her. Please let t

back on full display for Caine and his whip. The guard then

e and positioning himself for my punishment. "But

ling through my body as I grit my teeth and hold back a scream. My fists clench as I process the pa

bite down on my tongue. Tears roll down Luna Sara's cheeks as she looks upon my bloodi

but I refuse to let myself scream for her enjoyment. I feel

e snarls, throwing the whip off t

I inhale to keep from passing out. I couldn't speak even if

pinching my chin and digging his fingernails into

ver. He holds the rod over a torch until the silver glows red from the heat. My wolf howls viole

me. We didn't even know

to me so that it almost grazes my f

y body trembles from the exhaustion, bead

pha, infuriating him even more. He moves the rod down the length of my body until

sand tiny pins digging into my burning flesh. I bite down on my lip until I

ears lining my eyes. A tiny groan bubbles in m

e Alpha, his Beta and the Gamma. Caine removes the burning rod from my hip and lets it drop to the ground, annoyed at having faile

y staring at me to notice that she's crying. I cannot bring myself t

he wraps his arms around Sar

sses, Luna Sara g

you are doing?" the Alpha

ck, covering his mouth instinctively alm

narrow to slits. He bends over and grabs the rod without a wo

es coldly. "Do you know why th

the rod begin

ir," he

front of his son, pressing the rod against Caine's chest. Caine lets o

una Sara screams. "

presses the rod harder against Caine's che

espect," my father murmurs, tossing the rod off to t

he adds with a growl before

, and for the first time in years, I contemplate screaming. He

g?" the Alpha asks

blinking away the tears t

And what was the crime that merited such punishme

Wyatt's grip and nuzzling up to my father's chest. "We can't have a monster among us!

hock and he grabs his wife by th

mpers, the sound making me cringe at

as angry, but he was not about to contradict his Luna in front of his guards or his son.

, his face once again becoming stone

t her grin quickly fades when my fa

the guards let me down from the chain and help

pha glares at her, reminding her with o

voice thundering against the stone walls. "He is a rogue now and should he ever set foot

than being declared a rogue. It was practically a death sentence. The world

, to kill me instead but as always, my words linger at the

ther commands. "I'd like a

hest. Luna Sara looks furiously at my father but Gamma Wyatt manages to coax her out of the room without too mu

e glare from my father

s. "You are still the greatest failure of my life and

wounds on my back and I simply n

for her here," he sighs as he walks towards

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