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Realm of Darkness: Finnegan’s journey

Chapter 2 Echoes of inverness

Word Count: 1391    |    Released on: 16/11/2023

de eyes filled with a mixture of fear and astonishment

e—to seek adventure and fortune while smiting any darkness that dared to threaten their path.

h her father's caravan when tragedy struck. An ogre, accompanied by dark-cloaked priests of an evil god, had descended upon them.

led with grief. "I fear he may be gone, bu

Elena, but her safety would be at constant risk. Gareth voiced his concerns, sug

that could befall a defenseless merchan

he ruin. A few rooms away, a pile of rubble offered adequate concealment. Fi

you... If, by some chance, we do not return by m

d Gareth left Elena behind, hoping that th

de hallway, it split, offering two diverging paths. One was cloaked in a thick layer of dust, a testament t

ognizing the importance of surveying the

y slender beams to preserve their stealth. The path ahead was shrouded in dimness, and they na

was Gareth, pointing his sword skyward, revealing a monstrous spider ensnared in a web of thick str

, he fit an arrow, took aim, and released. The spider convulsed momentarily before crashing to the floor

o the upper sections of the castle. Gareth imparted his knowledge, sharing

for the upper level

and malevolent creatures? Perhaps they harbor a predil

nnegan gazed up

od sighting of the courtyard an

gentle glow of moonlight. The room's furnishings stood in sta

table and a bookshelf. Upon the table rested an open fairy-ta

served the surroundings, noting the absence of dust and a curious draf

ng commitment to self-care. He brushed away the clinging cobwebs, revealing a contented smile and a

on—a skull crowned with wisps of hair. The illusion shattered as Finnegan whirled around, on


e mirror back on the table. Tales of formidable spirits capable of draining life force

ize, my lady," he said sincerely. "It is only that t

nt before her stern countenance softened. "I am the Duch

e Wyvern and the enigmatic end of his lineage. Sympathy was

Why, they look like excellent, err, stories in here," he stammered, suddenly grateful for

thereal companion to the tale. Suddenly, a chill brushed his shoulder. Startle

gnaled Gareth to stay hidden. He returned to

sed in her state

sh the arm of the statue down," she imparted,

to the book. He read on, aware that time was inconsequential in her existence. His mind drifted to Elara

o the spectral duchess, opted

duchess, might I ask you

h a touch of melancholy, "Gabriel

there is a young woman in the castle below who requires my ass

d him to go. "A maiden in distress?

oward the door. However, a sudden command


compelling him to turn back. With an ethereal grace,

anymore," she murmured, a h

befitting a duchess. I thank you most humbly." With that, he took his leave, retracing his s

egan to pose questions, but Finne


that undoubtedly awaited them. Their fate, intricately woven with the threads of d

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