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My Dangerous Principal

Chapter 3 The principal

Word Count: 2475    |    Released on: 18/11/2023


and now I ca

d the principal anxious while

to cry, are you going to be yelled at by the demon? That's why her voice is so scary it screamed like that, I'll admit I was scared too but I couldn't be

.he yelled at the maid, how

d, but I immediately overcame him, that's why h

y it stopped and looked at me that

is is a crazy question that'

jumped in surprise wh

ng if he answered, he

you call

led and pulled me up, leaving th

se of this command, I simply called it hap

nned at it as

e suddenly muttered re

found myself swallowing while wat

mped and threw h

tood up and bec

is serious order m

like I want to feed on the ground because of w

I are lying in bed anxiousl

d to sleeping with someone in the same bed

pped me he even touched me, we are not close and even m

t the person next to me didn't even see

o wash it, so I immediately patted it but it got stronger so it felt like a

brows meeting that's why

e cr because I might yell at you. I j

glad that the maids who were doing somethin

were following me s

and ate because t

hen I heard a fak

he sat in front of me, he made the m

r friend's house!!..he said that mad

ediately went upsta

tly on our wa

d that crawled on my hip, he

ny him in what he is doing so that he does not get

if it's not just my friend's brother and if I'm just a

ust as big as the Principal's mansion, he immediately p

d because the mansion was so beautiful,

lly smiled because there were so many body guards, we couldn't

Luna was also there while her st

s why I smiled back, I was about to come

ding glasses, how do his friends like him, they ha

while Luna and I were just

hat too when my wife run

ised by Xynthever's shout

hear wha

aughed a little because they both look cute, Xythever is a bit crazy,

g in the dinin

you want this

g because of Prof trevor's apple w

mediately groaned and gave fyth water w

just looked at Princip

t's our sec

of what he said, I felt nervous because of tha

ho were talking with my

ime,, I shook my head a lit

ow it's night after we've finished eat

e upstairs when suddenly fyth int

said this nanag pa tudo react to


with me"..Anxious countere

an't sleep next to me tonight, I've been patient for a few days that you can'

someone was going to stomp around knowi

of what the Principal said next to me, I just smiled wh

nd we were allowed even though

e in the guest room growing

e gets my virginity he lost my virginity!!" I'm sick of ho

I was too close to a man, I don't understand her his so crazy I want to escape from hi

I've done!! Luna apologiz

him, he just lets me move without shame. He's his friend

him with a

at. you need to do all his want if you don't want

would have run for a long time, but he said that it wasn't because I couldn't stay by hi

y facing me an

t I didn't look back bec

e kissed me on the bed

but I can't do anything b

to push him but I didn't because if I did that I w

anted so the smile reached the sky, I was annoyed by his

lt like he was pisse

e Anxious wasn't there before because h

was the time for the guards to eat, so maybe the

o the hidden place, fortunately I got time to escape be

membered that I didn't know anything about our area,

I'm just

or helping me to stand up because I fell becau

ea, Ale invited me to join him, I di

o run away because I also had a fami

ause I was one of their prey and then they were carrying people but they said it was okay with them because they don't have children so they don't have

en.. I've been carrying them for 7 months. I didn't feel li

ing bigger, I thought it was because of what Anxious was feeding me, btw my

ndle it if I give birth, I can't h

ildren inside me, I also smiled a little

milly when she suddenly appeared the woman who hel

sed because even though Mama Emily couldn't give him a chi

give it to her because her mattress

re happy as long as they were together but when they saw me they ado

ily and to have grandchildren even if you are not their

xtra, especially when it was cold and sweet, in addition,

use I once again experienced that someone cares for me and w

ecause the plane they were riding back to the Philippi

don't claim it, they just take care of it becau

e I wanted to live here in the Philippines with my frien

I have stock in my apartment, I just don't know because I don't have contact wit

d chewing because my

wed when I heard m


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