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Word Count: 1690 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 18/11/2023

ia p

with my hair. In the moonlight, the flowers glowed like jewels, and I could feel my worries melting away in the tranq

approaching. I turned to see one of the maids

u," she said, her voice as sweet as honey. But I co

band?" I snapped, my anger boiling over. "H

I was sick of being treated like some kind o

d no idea where he was. "Where is he?"

e guests," she said, bowing her he

. When I finally reached the room, I could hear voices inside. I took a deep breath and pushed open the door. Five peop

My eyes were fixed on him, and I could feel his gaze burning in

bundle of clothes at me, and I caught them with trembling h

his?" I asked, my voice quivering with shock. The outfit looked like something a stripper would wear, not somet

t them fall. I couldn't believe I was being put in this position, and I hated that he was making me choose between my dignity and my

ut that on. Then come back here." I felt my heart sink, but I knew I had no ch

"You'll be staying in a different room from now on. My guards will show yo


were too revealing, and I looked like a cheap tramp. I felt ashamed

world, the pants show off my butt recklessly the only thing enclosed is my Jericho, the net over the

ror. This isn't who I am, I thought. I'm not a stripper or a

r. I heard her footsteps retreating, and I stood there, frozen. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't stand the though

trembled as I turned it and pulled the door open. I stepped through the doorwa

and disgust that I was sure were on their faces. I felt the weight of their stares pressing down on me as I passed by the maids and guards, w

k on his face. I heard one of his friends murmur, "Gosh, she's hot." I wanted to disappear, to run away and hide f

d. "I doubt you've ever tasted wine before, since you're so naĆÆve," he added, a smirk o

took a deep breath and began to walk toward the table, my legs feeling like lead.

ng hands, I poured the wine, my eyes welling up with tears. I dared to raise my gaze, and his eyes were fixed on me, piercing into my soul. He had been watch

hands grabbed me roughly, and I flinched away in shock. His voice whispered in my ear, "You've got nice boobs" I felt sick, and a surge of rage and disgust

my voice shaking with anger and hurt. He la

eart. I felt like I'd been punched in the gut, the air knocked out of me. I

cold and demanding. I stared at him with hurt in my eyes for a momen

ed from my grasp, spilling the contents onto the floor. "You idiot!" She yelled, her face turning red with anger.

nothing was real. Then I heard his voice again, cutting through the fog. "Clean up that mess with your tongue," he sai

, my heart racing. I couldn't believe this was happening. I didn't know what to do, I didn

otion ā€“ fear, anger, shame, sadness. The tears were flowing freely now, and I could ba

y eyes darted to the woman, but she just smiled smugly. I sank to my knees, my hands shaking as I re

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