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Chapter 1 SOLD

Word Count: 1569    |    Released on: 18/11/2023


vy mantle. The stairs creak under my feet, each step feeling like an eternity. I descend into the darkness, my vision blurred by the tears that run down my face. I kno

loathing – this is a fate worse than death. But I have no choice, for I have been told that my life depends on it. I must marry this man, or die.

so hard that it feels like I could crush the leather in my fist. My eyes flicker to my mother, who stands frozen in the corne

before selling your daughter to us. My heart was pounding in my chest. I could feel the blood rushing through my veins, makin

ve at the corners. 'You don't have to be sad, Olivia,' he sa

e word. My eyes were swollen from the night before, when I had w

her voice cracking as sh

ts to say. "It's a done deal." I glanced at my father, but his face was b

urning on my heel and walking out the door. I tried to project confidence, but my heart was

. I couldn't get away from this place fast enough. This house had once been

ng in anger, but it was the next sentence that really caught my attention. 'If only you had let me tell her,' she said, her tone full

nd urgent. It was enough to break me out of my

ance in his voice. "Should I just leave?" I nodded, my mind racing with unanswe

down my spine. The rumors I'd heard about him were enough to make even the strongest pe

uppet was the perfect word for it, because from the rumors I'd heard, he treated women as not

ew kilometers away,' he said, and I could feel my heart pounding in my c

Are you okay?' he asked, his gaze fixed on me in the rearview mirror.

orry about, as long as you're careful not to offend him. He doesn't take kindly to anyone who does,' he said, his voice dropping

ain quiet. 'How do they pay?', I blurted out, my heart racing as I waited for his repl

d, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. 'His most loyal and trusted staff, people he loved like family.

, his eyes fixed on the road. 'Is it impossible to cope with such a

d, his voice barely above a whisper. I sat frozen in my seat, my mind a jumble of thoughts and emoti

te carvings unlike anything I had ever seen before. The gate was a work of art, a masterpiece of cra

oice warm and gentle. 'The boss has been awaiting your return. He's been wondering what kept you so long,' he added, turning to th

, and he smiled reassuringly. 'Don't worry, miss. You're not in any trouble,' he said, his voice smooth and gentle. The

ed in close, his lips barely moving as he whispered, 'I'll leave you now.' My heart pounded in my chest, and I longed to call o

? I felt completely lost, like a ship adrift in a vast and endless sea. The silence of the room only added to my se

. My heart stopped for a moment, as if frozen in time. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was like a dream

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