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1 Chapter 1 Rain-soaked Secrets: A Tale of Love and Deception2 Chapter 2 Divorce Proposal- Gratitude3 Chapter 3 Unspoken Tensions4 Chapter 4 Feverish Realizations and Unsettling Dreams5 Chapter 5 A Feverish Standoff and Uncomfortable Encounters6 Chapter 6 Vulnerabilities Unveiled7 Chapter 7 Veils of Care and Intrigue8 Chapter 8 Shadows of Secrecy9 Chapter 9 Shifting Shadows of Trust and Concealed Bonds10 Chapter 10 Distorted Bonds11 Chapter 11 Confronting Realities, Seeking Guidance12 Chapter 12 Doubts and Decisions13 Chapter 13 Unforeseen Messages14 Chapter 14 In Silence and Decisions15 Chapter 15 Shifting Realities16 Chapter 16 Unraveling Shadows17 Chapter 17 Confronting Realities18 Chapter 18 Part Ways with Dignity19 Chapter 19 Navigating the Deals and Accidents20 Chapter 20 Tense Exchanges21 Chapter 21 Confrontations and Reminiscent Moments22 Chapter 22 Entangled Expectations23 Chapter 23 Fateful Encounters24 Chapter 24 Unwanted Offers25 Chapter 25 Unpacking Secrets26 Chapter 26 Strained Confessions27 Chapter 27 Intoxicated Encounters28 Chapter 28 Midnight Encounters29 Chapter 29 Twists and Turns30 Chapter 30 Decisions and Imaginations31 Chapter 31 Debts and Fate's Hand32 Chapter 32 Cherished Visits and Unspoken Worries33 Chapter 33 Estranged Distance34 Chapter 34 Turbulent Tensions and Unspoken Agreements35 Chapter 35 Fleeting Facades and Familial Dynamics36 Chapter 36 Observations and Strained Dynamics37 Chapter 37 Fragile Peace 38 Chapter 38 Turbulent Truce and Unspoken Discomfort39 Chapter 39 Claudia's True Colors40 Chapter 40 Not Interested in Raising Someone's Child41 Chapter 41 Refusing the Pact: No More Debts42 Chapter 42 Interactions and Intricacies43 Chapter 43 Unexpected Naps and Quiet Encounters44 Chapter 44 Tensions and Misunderstandings45 Chapter 45 Office Dynamics and Unexpected Gestures46 Chapter 46 Office Lunch and Unwelcome Discussion47 Chapter 47 Unwelcome Offerings48 Chapter 48 Conflicting Perspectives and Farewells49 Chapter 49 Clashing Egos and Unspoken Jealousies50 Chapter 50 Tangled Emotions and Farewell Preparations51 Chapter 51 May Your Wish Come True52 Chapter 52 You Are Trying to Drift Us Apart 53 Chapter 53 Can't Even Touch You54 Chapter 54 Getting a Divorce 55 Chapter 55 Is It Guilt 56 Chapter 56 It's Our Turn 57 Chapter 57 Almost Bitten Off 58 Chapter 58 That's Enough, Alaric59 Chapter 59 She Wants to Be the Mistress 60 Chapter 60 Caught Feelings61 Chapter 61 Homecoming62 Chapter 62 Unwelcome Surprise63 Chapter 63 Uninvited Guest64 Chapter 64 Confrontation65 Chapter 65 Tangled Emotions66 Chapter 66 Secrets Unveiled67 Chapter 67 Morning Sickness68 Chapter 68 Unsettling Realizations69 Chapter 69 Rising Tensions70 Chapter 70 Unexpected Visitor71 Chapter 71 Clash of Emotions72 Chapter 72 A Surprise Dish73 Chapter 73 A Matter of Carrying74 Chapter 74 Unseen Observer75 Chapter 75 A Change of Atmosphere76 Chapter 76 Confrontation and Revelations77 Chapter 77 Unexpected Meeting78 Chapter 78 The Reunion79 Chapter 79 Unveiling Resentment80 Chapter 80 Tensions Rise81 Chapter 81 Don't Worry About Me82 Chapter 82 A Secret Overheard83 Chapter 83 Are You Guilty of Something84 Chapter 84 A Heartless Girl85 Chapter 85 A Drunken Confession86 Chapter 86 A Fight87 Chapter 87 The Truth88 Chapter 88 Feel It With Your Heart89 Chapter 89 Nipping the Problem in the Bud90 Chapter 90 How Are You Going to Explain It 91 Chapter 91 Does It Hurt 92 Chapter 92 Don't You Have Anything to Explain 93 Chapter 93 Reckless Words94 Chapter 94 Get Lost95 Chapter 95 What's With Your Injury 96 Chapter 96 I'm Here97 Chapter 97 Karma98 Chapter 98 Karma99 Chapter 99 Keep a Distance100 Chapter 100 Just Curious