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The Lady of Fort St. John

Chapter 8 VAN CORLAER.

Word Count: 1689    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

Antonia?" d

it is n

's baring of his head, a

alarm drov

ntonia's erect bearing what had so startled her. Her friend followed her to the door

ntonia directly. "He is laughi

the lady of the fort. Antonia looked at her with all th

elf I could bear it. But I show it t

hand lost

t, or even the b

destroyed by accident, I could bear without a groan to see you so bereaved. But the

my table last night instead of replaci

earched," said Marie.

eakfast to call he

her punishment. That little creature has a magpie's fondness for

but this remained as Marie had pushed it aside that morning to take her early look at the walls. Van Corlaer was waiting on the steps, and as he detected Antonia in the guilty act

n, and sat down on one end of the step while he sat down on the other. They spoke Dutch: with their formal French fell away the formal phases of this meeting in Acadia. The sentinel's walk moved almost over

isfactory talk together, A

sh relict of Bronck, feeling her

a man to speak h

er, seeing how many times he hath done so," obser

is not so when I talk among men or work on the minds of savages.

eginning," noted Ant

nials and puttings-off and flights have pleased me. But your own safety may waste no more good time in further play. I

ed, to hide h

d?" inquired


you I will warm y

e well muffl

inst the wall and again

see Montreal. And I took care to have with him su

my leave," observ

of Mexico, but brought to the colonies for sale. It put a thought in my head, and I set skilled fellows to work, and they made and we have carried through

have much satisfaction i

er known than she was a

uffling. Her good-humored suitor leaned t

n mentioned between us;-was the curing

Antonia, not daring to accuse by name the colonial doctor

of any honest burgher without leave of the patroon?" suggested Van Corla

this man over-ride her terro

you no dread

led in the curing. I thought less of Jonas Bronck, that h

very good man," asse

heart that I am a better

man's anxiety to be loyal to affection which she has not too wel

at my death and spread out as a rug to your feet. So good a housekeeper a

as she always was in his prese

Mynheer Van Corlaer, I have do


hath been

nd the taste

tune is sur

rtune and the ha

y at Bronck's powerful rival, loath to re

from the step and holding it to shield his eyes from mounting light. "But Jonas was no hero. And I have heard of papists venerating little pieces

ntonia, moving her hands nervously in thei

d go! What should

befall the people wh

mislaid?" inquired Van Corlaer

rst into laughter and Antonia looked at


to open the box

his hat down again

heer?" inquired An

Why, look you, there were French women among captives ransomed from the Mohawks who shed tears on

lly blame me? A woman does not weep the night away without some movement of feeling. Yes, mynheer, you have taunted me, and I will tell you the worst. I have thought of you more than of

ew was changed. She looked at her limitations no longer alone, but through Van Corlaer's eyes, and saw them vanishing. The sentinel, glancing down from time to time with a furtive cast

heer. Yes

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