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The Lady of Fort St. John


Word Count: 2185    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ndwelling spirit. That lonesome lap of country opposite Fort St. John could scarcely be defined. Scraps of its dawning spri

fog. Foam is the flower of water; and white petal after white petal was swept under by the driving waves. As the tide rose the tumult of falls ceased. The channel filled. All

, but the hammering of its repairers had been in his ears since dawn

ttle mastery of the soil. Camp and fortress were on the same side of the river. Lounging braves watched indifferently some figures wading fog from the fort, perhaps bringing them a farewell word, perhaps forbidding their departure. The Indian often humored his invader's feudal airs, but he never

t St. John were buried; and those approaching figures entered a gap of the inclosure instead of going on to the camp. Three of La Tour's soldiers, with Father Jogues and his donné, had come to bury the outcast baby. One of the men was Zélie's husband, and she walked beside him. Marguerite lay sulking in the barracks. The

d?" he inquired of Zélie on

sentment against Marguerite, and w

a drop of water on its head, and but li

not believi

and a grave made. Father Jogues, perplexed, and heavy of heart for the sins of his enlightened as well as his savage children, concluded to consecrate the baby's bed. The Huguenot soldiers stood sullenly by while a Romish service went on. They or their fathers had

s beginning to curl above the buried lad's head. The heir of the La Tours lay with his feet toward the outcast of the Charnisays, but this was a chance arrangement. Soldiers and servants of the house were scattered about the frontier bu

valley yet bore the name of Jesu which he had carved in its bark, as well as rude crosses. Such marks helped him to turn the woods into one wide oratory. But unconverted savages, tearing with their teeth the hands lifted up i

at ebb-tide. Now it held a stream flowing inland upon grass-unshriveled long grass bowed flat and sleeked to this daily service. It gave beholders a delicious sensation to see the clean water rushing up

Etchemins leave the woods and take to the coast. You never know wh

nd I must now take leave of the lady

er his forehead, and turning his great near-sighted eyes on his friend. "These Indians are called Protestant. They are in La Tour

benighted soul and not try to convert it. These poor Etchemins ap

r faith," he sighed, "as she hat

lanted the immortal seed, their next duty was to prepare for the trivial resurrections of the summer. Frenchmen love green messes in their soup. The garden might be trampled by besiegers, but there were other chances that it would

uld not forbear this journey. It is well known through the colonies that La Tour can no longer get help, and is outlawed by his king. This fortress will b

walls, and his chest swelled

thout espousing her husband's quarrel!-while hundreds of evil women degrade the courts of Europe. But I can only do mi

n camp. He was examining as self-indulgence his strong and gentlemanly desir

ered, "that way I must take. For the mending of an expedition

azine. Well, storehouse, fuel-house, barracks, were in military readiness. But refuse stuff had been thrown in spots which her people were now severely cleaning. She greeted her return

lls already?" she repeated, fixing

ed Zélie. "I myself sa

scared them off early,-our good l

ly from the camp, "I think not, though their language is not clear to me

ring forth of an irresponsible village had little to do with the state of her fort. S

Van Corlaer ascended a ladder

level of the walls. And here Madame Bronck and I have taken the air on winter days when we felt sure of its not blowing us away. But you need not look

little freedom since I came to Fo

o commune on what their duty directed them to do. Marie walked on with Van Corlaer toward the towered bastion, talking quickly, and ungloving her right hand to help his imagination with it. A bar of

d the invincible port of a man who knows nothing of defeat. The sentinel trod back and forth without disturbing this i

ed in ascent beside Van Corlaer's feet, and her distressed eyes met in hi

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