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Chapter 2 Mistakes that can lead to disputes.

Word Count: 1771    |    Released on: 28/11/2023

it up, but a wave of pain shot through her head. She put a hand to her head

ery intense fine male voice sa

tall and broad-shouldered, with piercing blue eyes and a strong

earching his face for any clue. Harris

. "But I'm glad I was able to help you." Katherina

her with gentle curiosity. "What's y

felt off. Why was Harrison so interested in her? And why did he se

," she said, a hint of defensiveness in her voice. Harrison's

hortly to get your information," Harrison said, gesturing to the door

as still a bit on edge, but Harrison's easy

s jacket, and her heart skipped a beat. "PY," she r

was flattered that Harrison had chosen to wear it. But she didn't want to re

e entered the room,

ina expectantly. Katherina took a deep breath, trying to focus. She rattled off her name, date of birth, and address, trying

or taking over. "Your IV drip is all done," she sa

had no idea how much the treatment would cost, and

ght now," she admitted, her voice crack

you actually hit me with your car this morning," she said, her voice quivering. "And I woke up he

this is a lot to take in," he said, his voice full of compassion. "But I'll sign t

," she said, her s

of each other, and she thought they would make a cute couple. She couldn't help but feel a little bit like a

of panic wash over her, thinking that he was about to give her money. She wasn't sure how to re

rgent. He held out his phone and showed Katherina the footage from his dash cam. Sure enough, the vi

believe she had jumped to the wrong conclusion, and she felt lik

n watched as Katherina hurried out of the room, her head down. He opened his mouth to call after her, but she was already gone

w someone familiar out of the corner of her eye. She turned

aling an elderly man who was

herina" the elderly man who'

hug. He was so frail, and she didn't want to hurt h

ing. "Your brother is a lucky man to have you as a

sister's head swell with all these c

ut the events of that morning, from the mysterious text message to the accident with Harrison's car. Nathani

said, running a han

g down the hall, a few yards away. As the elevator doors closed, Katheri

e full of concern. "And I'm glad you're here with m

nging, and he pulled it out

e line. "Hi, is this Nathaniel?" the voice as

e," he said, hi

your sister, Katheri

. On it was the name "Andrew" and a picture of her boyfriend. Kath

r on speaker?" Nathaniel

his voice sounding firm. Nathaniel nodded and handed the p

she said, her v

a deep breath, and Katherina cou

ean what?", Ka

eclining my ca

rina said, her brow furrowing. "My p

early confused. "Are you sure?" he

g. "I wouldn't just ignore your calls like that." Andrew was

rew asked, his voice sounding suspicious. Andrew wa

ere. She felt a wave of panic wash over her. "My phone isn't in my bag,"

Katherina nodded, her mind racing. "I had it when I left

rrison has my phone," she said, her voice barely above a

voice low. Katherina felt like

bling. "We need to find a way to get your

ound floor. The doors opened, and the nurse who had attende

se directly. "Have you seen the man who brought me

urse said, her face thoughtful.

n her chest. "Did he say anythin

. "I'm sorry I can't be more helpful." Katherin

looked around, searching for any sign of Harrison. Then, sh

rison had a grin on his face. He had seemed so kind and concerned in the hospital, but now he looked

well" Katherina said, h

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