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Giving Birth To The Italian Billionaire's Baby

Chapter 8 Part 8

Word Count: 1304    |    Released on: 02/12/2023

r help. Can we mee

n't it wait?" he inquire

It's an emergen

e ending the call. She glanced at her watch; lunch break was half an hour away. Adaline hoped sh

loor. Her foot tapped impatiently on the elevator floor. When the elevator doors opened on the nineteenth floor, Adaline felt relieved that no

didn't like this place much. Adaline was afraid of heights, and even though she stood far from the rooftop edge, she still shivered at the sight of the cityscape in front of her, e

a where non-functional or under-repair equipment was kep

f the reasons she worked at Coskun Company,

rely enjoying his cigarette. "Haris," s

t Adaline with a slight

ait until the end of the workday?" he

on Haris: he was Adaline's neighbor and also her senior in college. Adaline liked him because he was hardworking.

in love with his work to the point of avoiding romantic relationships with anyone. To avoid any gossip, Haris convinced her

I need your help," she said without beating around

emaining half of his cigarette,

they need to be removed immediately. My mom doesn't have insurance. I'v

I have some savings, bu

k his head slowly. Perhaps in his mind, he didn't expect Adaline to mention such a larg

ther needs surgery urgently, or it will end

you find a loan. I'll let you know tonight. Now, go back

ernoon. I'm going back to the ho

ll contact you later," he said. After p

p her. It's not that Adaline didn't trust him; it's just that he sometimes

't ask for help from her late father's family, considering they disliked Adaline. And economically speaking, not to be disrespectfu

news from Haris. If she didn't receive any updates tonight, she would try another option-perhaps tr

e knew inside the elevator, just like when she ascended earlier. Fortunate

ts always taught her to stay optimistic and think positively about anything that happened. However, in the current situation, whether she li

d at the hospital. Emma, who was taking c

ly. "What about now? Did you get the loan?" she asked again. Adaline shook her he

orrowing such a large sum from the company, Adaline wasn't sure if they wo

rst; who knows

ly. "I'm waiting for news from

I'm not too convinced," t

, Adaline walked towards the ICU. Through the transparent window, she could see her mother lying weakly with various hospital devices

hroughout her life, she never heard her mother complain. Even when she found out her father had die

red, and so was her mind. She leaned her head against

r be healthy for the rest of her life, oh God.' Her prayer in her heart, uninten

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